I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a good old Swords and Wizardry adventure. It would likely be a dungeon crawl of some description, unless someone else has a suggestion. Swords and Wizardry is a modern attempt to clone the original 1974 Dungeons and Dragons rules created by Gary Gygax. Because of this, it is fairly rules light, with much of what happens (beyond combat, at least) left to fictional positioning and house ruling. There are no skill checks, so rather than rolling perception to determine if you find hidden treasure, your success is based off your actions. Do you peer under the bed to find a hidden chest? Do you run your hand along the wall to find a loose brick? The combat is fairly brutal. A single attack is generally able to instantly kill a first or second level character, and some monsters have the ability to instantly kill or cripple a player, regardless of hitpoints. The core rulebook is available completely free on the Swords and Wizardry website [url=http://www.swordsandwizardry.com/?page_id=4]here[/url].