[quote=@Cyclone] [url=http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Communism]But that would be easy, you could just copy and paste this.[/url] [@Hael] Any thoughts that aren't related to how big it was? :lol [/quote] Yes, no, maybe. I don't know, I think I'm still in shock. Am I? ... ... ... ... Alright, I think I'm good now. Nice imagery: "The sun's baleful glare gleamed off the beads of sweat that covered near every face" This showed their fervor and devotion well: "Babur silenced it all by merely pointing to that proud, mighty Dragon. The people understood. They too turned to face the banner and then fell to their knees in reverence. The air was silent once more, the only movement being that of the sand and dust that was swept up by the wind." Makes a good point about Babur's fair and honourable personality: "This is not how it is supposed to be. He is of my own blood." "Babur draped the cape over his slain brother, so that when the men carried him back to the palace his hideous wounds would not be seen" And...lemme think...nope, all my other thoughts are about how big it was. EDIT: "'End his suffering', resonated a deep, ancient, fiery voice in Babur's mind. The voice of the Dragon" Wrong. That was [b]clearly[/b] the Will of Kal. Your heathen King should be honoured to hear such glory, as the Prophet Lord Hamry once did (I did something almost exactly identical in Chapter 2 of my history, is what I'm saying)