[@Hael] Have you ever thought that Kal might [b]be[/b] the Dragon? They call it the Dragon,the Firedrake, the Ajdar, Lord of the Etern Sky, and whatever else I feel like making them call it if those names get old. But its true name is not said, so it very well could be called Kal. That's the main reason that Ajdars are so willing to cooperate with Kals. Their religions are almost identical aside from the symbols and the fact that your religion doesn't state that if the world is united a big dragon will come down and transform everyone into an immortal god like him. That's a fairly big difference, but it's more akin to different Muslim sects/Christian denominations that it is to entirely separate religions. So basically, you would burn a Kal because they are a [i]heretic,[/i] rather than because they are an [i]infidel.[/i]