[@Dragonite777] how's this? [hr] [center][img]http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr14/AngelicxFire/Anime/thief.jpg[/img] [h3][i]"Doors are for people with no imagination"[/i][/h3] – Derek Landy, Skullduggery Pleasant[/center] [indent][color=92278f][h1][u]Luck[/u][/h1][/color][/indent] [color=92278f][b]Name:[/b][/color] Luck Ashton [color=92278f][b]Alias:[/b][/color] Adeline Ayresleigh-Cruickshanks [color=92278f][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=92278f][b]Age:[/b][/color] 16 [color=92278f][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] She also wears a flint and steel on a strap round her neck, tucked into her clothes so it cant be seen. She does not have the fairly random animal ear I only noticed [i]after[/i] I had started building her based round the picture. Basically she looks normal, like your average person on the street. [color=92278f][b]Speciality:[/b][/color] Luck is amazingly proficient at getting into pretty much anywhere. She has an eye for seeing other ways to get in to places. Along with a rather bad habit of filching things. Her favorite route to get anywhere is via rooftops, as well as other places most people don’t look. She is quite adept at climbing. Luck doesn’t have quick fingers, rather she is the sort who can steal stuff when no one’s looking, (even better when they’re not around), and manages to pull off breaking and entering with “effortless” ease, but couldn’t nick a single penny from a crowded marketplace; even with a partner distracting people. Her talents lie in getting in and out of places, along with beating up anyone who disagrees with her being there. A bit of a brawler, she has been known to get herself into fist fights occasionally. She’s not exceptionally strong, but she is fast, hit them first is always the best option in her opinion: whether it be literally hitting them, or figuratively. Her other specialty is being ordinary, plain, unnoticeable; in short; she is forgettable, at first glance anyway. [color=92278f][b]Background:[/b][/color] Daughter of a blacksmith, Luck’s family were never out of work or poor, they simply just didn’t have any spare money for her. Hence why she started stealing. She was however sent to school, at least until she started skiving off. She hated being cooped up inside listening to someone drone on and on when she could be out there doing; well whatever she liked. So she started skipping school, finding other ways to fill up her days. One of her favorite tricks she learned was, as she called it; roof running. Utilizing the closely packed buildings in that section of the town, Luck could get from pillar to post without ever needing to drop down to the dingy alleys below. (Okay not all alleys were dingy, and they weren’t all alleys, but please stop interrupting a good story :) ) As it was the streets had always been a problem for Luck as she was claustrophobic, leaving her often panicking when caught in a tight space. Her dad had taught her how to fight, or the basics at least; he reckoned no girl should be walking round undefended. Having decided she liked the thrill and rush of fighting, Luck would sneak up and watch others fight, trying to learn more before she herself jumped in the deep end. After a while Luck started fighting, losing as many or more than she won. Slowly but surely she got better at fighting, and stealing, coming out of either venture successful more often than not. Somewhere along the way though she got herself in a spot of trouble, at a similar time and place to a couple of guys from the band of thieves, doing the awesome escaping together gig, although it was really nothing more than severing a rope of two and dashing off down the alley, and then over a few roofs, Luck had found them a path up to the roof, and somehow ended up a part of the team. She still has a home and family, although she rarely if ever visits; she isn't sure if anyone's able to find her or her family and link them, she doesn't want to lead anyone to her parents, even though she hasn't lived with them for many years, she still doesn't want, or need them dragged into her life. The opposite is also true, if they are being watched she doesn't want to be found. Of course that is for the most part grossly over exaggerating, Luck isn't a big enough threat to warrant anyone anywhere near her parents, but she's just playing it safe, an interesting concept for a fairly reckless girl like her. [color=92278f][b]Personality traits:[/b][/color] [list][*] Loyal to a fault, if only for a few people [*] Claustrophobic [*] Insomniac [*] Reckless [*] Shiny things easily catch her attention. [*] Little bit of an adrenalin junkie [*] Food is rather high on her list of priorities [*] Fluffy things and food are a sure way to win her over [*] Has a fairly startling love of fire, could almost be considered a pyromaniac [*] She strongly believes in hitting them first, and hitting them fast. [/list] [color=92278f][b]Tools/equipment:[/b][/color] [list][*]Lock pick kit [*] Multi tool [*] A pair of knuckledusters [*] Her interesting knuckleduster knives if she is feeling particularly destructive [*] A normal knife or two for normal knife things [*] Her flint and steel that permanently hangs round her neck [*] A lenegth of Paracord [*] A couple of bandages (aka clean rolled up strips of stretchy cloth) [*] A pouch-full of thistle down, (tinder if ever she needs a fire) [*] She'll sometimes bring other things that are needed for the specific task at hand.[/list] [color=92278f][b]Other:[/b][/color] As her name implies, Luck has insane amounts of luck; this however is not always a good thing as she doesn’t just have good luck, but also bad luck as well. Basically it means that for Luck most things can go exceedingly well, or exceedingly bad, there's not much middle ground when her luck drops by for a visit. When bored or nervous Luck has a habit of fiddling with her multi tool, opening and closing it excessively. (She always has it with her.) A hint for others safety? Don't ever try stuffing her in a skirt or dress. Just saying. [hider=knuckledusters] [img]http://www.sungreen.co.uk/Forest-of-Dean/images/knuckle-knife.jpg[/img] [img]http://media.liveauctiongroup.net/i/5962/9337165_1.jpg?v=8CC94601456C740[/img] [/hider] [hider=Disclaimer……] ……of sorts. Firstly the Alias came from here [url=http://steampunk.namegeneratorfun.com/]steampunk name generator[/url] I selected the use my name choice, and entered Luck Ashton. She is apparently Air Commodore Adeline Ayresleigh-Cruickshanks, or Midshipman Reuben Ayresleigh-Cruickshanks if I set it to boy. :) Secondly I have no experience whatsoever with 'roof-running', lock-picking, or really any of the thief aspects. Most of this comes from the really basic physics that I actually [i]can[/i] grasp, and of course, from books/movies. :) Sooo…… if you actually know any of this, how it works I mean, feel free to correct me if I go wrong. :) Also just a forewarning, I apparently love smiley faces, so be prepared to see lots in most Ooc posts I make. :) [/hider]