[i]There's a quiet hum of machinery so constant it's like a dull ache in your bones, felt more than heard. You wake from a fitful sleep, but you aren't in a bed, and that pain in your neck isn't from a lumpy pillow, it's from a pair of tubes down your throat. A beeping begins, slow and steady at first, but then faster, more insistent. You feel certain there's something you're meant to do, but for the moment, you're trapped in this upright, cylindrical coffin, the glass in front of you beginning to fog up with the breaths you've only just begun to take. It's instinctual, this breathing, spurred on no doubt by the breathing tube retracting from your throat, scratching your esophagus along the way. The feeding tube comes next, and the beeping gets more insistent. What were you supposed to do? And who are you? Where are you? Why can't you remember anything?[/i] And so begins Cryo: Awakening. I'm looking for a female partner for this one, a story of amnesia in an unfamiliar setting. It could go many ways, I'm leaning toward horror but it could as easily go the Epic Adventure route. It'd be interesting to see this one grow beyond a 1x1 and eventually be transplanted into a group setting with this 1x1 serving as the petri dish for the 'Amnesia in Space' idea. This interest check is NOT first-come, first-serve. I'd like to see a decent paragraph describing a female protagonist for this story if you're interested in playing her. Nothing under the age of sixteen, nothing supernatural, nothing remotely anime - no exceptions. I'm looking for a more adventurous kind of girl on this one, the wilting flowers can stay home. Let me know her personality, age, and a couple lines describing her looks, nothing too complicated is necessary. Bonus points if you describe her reaction to waking up in the cryo chamber. I have no plans at this time of doing this particular story in more than one thread, so apologies in advance but I'll only be choosing one. Respond here or send a PM, either is fine.