"Thank you Marc" Abigail said, turning to her crew mate, and giving him a slight nod of her head for his actions. "Music to my ears, that is, or as close to it as anything could be without a good beat to it." She reached into a pocket that wasn't on her dress, and frowned. One of these days she'd need to take up smoking, because not having anything to do with her hands was driving her crazy. So she settled on scratching her wolf companion behind the ear. "Its good to know the golden Bloomer is sea worthy, because it would be a pain up the ass to learn it wasn't, especially later on, while we're in the middle of nowhere, possibly being tracked by marines or a rival group of pirates." She turned her heard turned to the familiar hum of her friend's pet. "Oh goodie. News." She reached up and took hold of the little note in the bird's talons. "Let's see here what our dear cook has for us." She read the note quickly, and gave it a nod. A smile appeared on her face. "Okay ladies and gentlemen let's get going. The grand line isn't going to wait for us to conquer." She walked up to the Captain's wheel, and turned it towards the red line. "Everyone hang on." The ship moved without much protest, but the wind that couldn't get around the perfect, unholed sails, complained a lot. "Okay I know this thing doesn't really turn fast enough to necessitate hanging on, but lets stay with the spirit of things, okay?" The ship left the little island it had called home for the past couple of days and soared on the water towards adventure, gold, death, none of which would be theirs, if the crew of the golden bloomer was lucky enough. "Hey there Simona." Abigail said from the steering wheel. "Glad to see your back. Was starting to get a bit worried that you wouldn't be able to reach us before that storm coming up." She pointed forwards at the dark clouds that were speeding towards them like a mass of sharks who suddenly smelled blood in the water. "Oh that's a bad one, isn't it." Abigail's grip tightened on the wheel. "Fenris, buddy, go ahead and head down below. I don't want to have to worry about keeping an eye out for you if we start tossing around." The canine didn't argue. He'd almost drowned a time or two thanks to his lack of thumbs. He turned and padded down below deck. "Okay everyone." Abigail called over the wind that seemed to come out of thin air. "This ones going to be a doozy so get below deck if your not going to be needed." Already the violent breezes were trying to pull the wheel out of her hand. "If you are then tie yourself to something." The sky grew dark, darker, and finally, aside from the violent flashes of light that caused momentary blindness, the storm was on them, and the seas danced about, tossing the ship from side to side.