[@Hael]20% might be, and human nation because it'd be easier to blend in since they are basically human for all intents and purposes, though they may not see themselves as such. And while Umbraisis isn't looking for anything particular or tryong to kill anybody yet, the Navari head rep. is eager to find out if the other nations have any secret weapon tech that can be replicated in Umbraisis or sabotaged. They might also try and kill a high ranking member of one of the Nations, perhaps one of the leaders, and try to start a war that Umbraisis can't possibly stay out of. It's a known fact thoughout the world that Umbraisis is an unstable country, barely holding itself together, so the Navari might also be planning something behing the Unified Kingdoms back, collobrating with another country to target another. The Blood Priest were once the Navari version of the Spanish Inquisition or the Secret Police, going around and targeting those who they thought were shirking away from the belief of Navarus, and punishing them harahly for it. However, since most Navari are extremely stubborn and unwilling to give in to others, the Blood Priest simply got better at breaking people and getting info. They are supposed to have been disbanded when Umbraisis was formed, but it was decided that their skills could be put to better use, as it was during their war with the Heavenly Empire in getting information from elvish prisoners. The training for these priests began to include counter-interrogation methods, how to blend in with the populace of an area more easily, as well as learning Stealth tactics from the Silme Nightowls(which I'll get into another time). So, in total the spies will just be keeoing Umbraisis, or at the very least, the Navari informed about current events in other countries, as well as beings pawns set in place for plausible assassination attempts. [@Althedil] Will do.