[h1][u][color=f26522]Mercator Castle Late in the evening[/color][/u][/h1] In an opulent chamber sat Lady Saha in white robes, crossed legged and contemplative, staring at a checkered board. Several pieces of carved wood rested on the board in various positions, half painted black and the others white. Across from the woman sat the King in green silk robes, decorated with gold, and equally as contemplative. They were both fixated on the board that lay between them as a light danced around the woman. "[color=00a651]You're certain this isn't some mischievous ploy to distract from the game, Saha?[/color]" King Oren spoke jovially but was clearly curious. He moved a piece on the board. "[color=f26522]A mischievous ploy perhaps, Your Majesty, but not of my doing. It appeared only recently and behaves much like a pup enticing it's owner to play. The magic that created it remains something of a mystery to me but it clearly isn't malevolent in any way. I would not have agreed to this game if I thought this entity was dangerous.[/color]" Saha moved a piece along the board in response. "[color=00a651]I see, and you wish for me to grant you a leave of absence to follow this playful pup to it's master.[/color]" King Oren moved another piece along the board. "[color=f26522]That was my intent, Your Majesty, but only with your blessing of course.[/color]" Saha moved a piece along the board. "[color=00a651]A wager then, defeat me in this game and I shall grant you leave to pursue this curiosity where ever it may take you.[/color]" King Oren moved another piece, this time with a more determined gesture as to emphasize the challenge. "[color=f26522]Very well, I accept...[/color]" Saha moved her piece. "[color=f26522]...and I believe that is checkmate.[/color]" Saha smiled a cheeky grin as she had effectively left the King with no option that wouldn't lead to defeat. The light that had been lazily drifting above her head seemed to be pleased with the result as well as it started to circle overhead with apparent glee. King Oren let out a hearty laugh. "[color=00a651]I believe my strategies require some adjustment! I have no choice but to surrender. I didn't even get a chance to boast about what I would do had I won but a bet is a bet and I have lost. I grant you leave and wish you safe travels. Take a horse from the stables to speed your journey, I'll have a Knight accompany you as well to ensure your safety.[/color]" "[color=f26522]I don't believe an escort will be necessary, although I appreciate the thought, the horse will do.[/color]" Saha got up from the assortment of pillows that lay about the floor of the King's chambers and bowed graciously. "[color=00a651]You'll not wait for morning then?[/color]" "[color=f26522]This little pup seems impatient and I've plenty of energy to ride tonight. I'll leave some notes for the court Alchemists as well.[/color]" Saha began to iterate her instructions to the other alchemists as she left to prepare for her journey. "[color=00a651]Has the White Sage turned into a mother hen? I'm sure the other alchemists will be fine without you for a while. Safe Journeys, friend.[/color]"