*Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap* This was his heartbeat, this was his soul, this was his voice... Now. Oh sure, he came to terms with it long ago, nothing to be long in the face over anymore. But every now and again he would wonder how the cards might have shuffled differently. If he had done something different, would he still be here? Would she still be out there? *Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap* As it is, he had a good life. He knew he was useful here, he knew people needed him. Needed, but did they [i]want[/i] him? He was the only beast on board, the rest seemed to be exclusive to human. No Bogles, no Elfes, no Gygr or other Deor of any breed. He was certain the captain kept him for the skill set, but did Grady keep him around just for appearances as well? If they went to a human only place then they could keep him out of the way or the only non-human around, and if they needed to look 'cultured' they could keep him right on hand to look like there were more than there really was. *Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap* But who was he to say? He was a one trick pony and he took security in that. No one else he knew could work metals without a forge like he could with his Gyurgy. That was a skill he hoped to spread to others more accepting of a beast like him, but so far no luck. *Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap, Bang-taptap* Finally done, he looked over his newest piece. One of the engine folk had asked him to repair a piece before it needed to be replaced so he was aligning the steel once more, making it flow smoothly rather than whorl against itself. He spoke to the spirit in the steel, coaxing it out and massaging away the imperfections from its heavy use like how Octavius treats a patient. Perhaps this was the reason he lost his voice, so he could learn how to talk to the metals.