[center][h2]Lena[/h2][/center] [@Silen Syanka] It was a beautiful day, the sun shining brightly, not a cloud in sight. Lena had been unable to resist. The young mermaid was currently laying on her favorite rock, soaking up the sunlight. The rock was close to the shore, but it was big and slanted. It hid her from view from the land–the only way anyone would be able to see her was if they swam out into the sea. The water was calm, lapping lazily at the bottom of the rock. She knew she couldn't stay for much longer, her parents would be very upset if they knew what she was doing, and being in the sun too long could be dangerous. She inhaled one last breath of that warm salty air, closing her eyes momentarily. She then pushed off from the rock, diving into the ocean. Her skin tingled as the cool water surrounded her. She began to swim, putting her arms forward to help her go faster. After a while, Lena met a dolphin. She had studied dolphin, and learned how to speak in their language. It was quite useful, especially if you were in need of a quick ride. She chatted with the creature for a few minutes before asking if she could get a ride. Then she was on her way, holding onto its fin. It pushed through the water like it was air, and they were soon to her destination. She thanked it, waving as it swam off. She was in a meadow of seagrass, the perfect place to find shells and human treasures. She swam into an opening, her gaze searching the ocean floor beneath her. The swaying plants tickled her skin as she swam carefully through, but she paid it no attention. The mermaid was completely unaware of Krill, too focused on trying to find something.