Indeed you did, Genni. We almost forgot about it, though. [@Howler] Ellri notes: It would be beneficial for ease of reading to have the section titles and such bolded or similarly formatted. For appearance. How tall is he? Is he thick? thin? muscular? Does he have any physical characteristics that the image does not portray? Force Powers ok’d. Slight misunderstanding it seems. The RP starts during the Sacking, not after it. The last section would be better left for IC and then expanded. Echo Notes: While your character very much suits Juyo, i’m afraid it simply isn’t feasible for him to have knowledge in the form. If he were ten years older, yes. Juyo however, due to its unusual nature and need to skirt close to the dark side to be effective, simply isn’t taught to padawans, no matter whether they are up and coming prodigies or not. Jedi in particular teach it less than the Sith do, and in this time of war, only to those that have both the skill and mental fortitude to resist the added darkness of it. Arix, though not obviously in danger, still doesn’t strike me as the kind to seem a light side fanatic either. While I like the way you’ve put together a Lightsaber Focused character, there are still limits on what a young individual can learn in terms of martial skills, especially without gaining battlefield experience, not to mention rapid physical changes the body undergoes during adolescence. Though I’m alright with him having two or even three well known forms, he would have good [i]technical[/i] mastery of them, without the experience that makes a truly excellent duelist. It would also help to know what age he was taken by the Jedi - as knowing how much Echani training he had beforehand helps me to gauge his very early martial arts ability. ------------------------------------ [@Tzarima] [b]Appearance:[/b] How tall is he? is he thick? thin? Muscular? Lean? Does his mask cover the entire head or just the face? if the latter, is any hair or such visible? What color are his clothes? It would not be surprising if he’s got a fair range of scars beneath his clothes, right? [b]Flaws:[/b] How does his flaws affect his personality? Playing an insane character is a difficult task. Do you have a plan for exactly how it will affect him? We got a bit of an idea while reading about how he hates all sorts of things without it being quite consistent. How about rather than hating everything and everyone, he has a few “focus areas” for it. To suggest say three, how about: The Jedi, for not saving him from the Sith. The Sith, for doing all this to him. Himself, for what he has become and not being strong enough to resist it. This would leave him still relatively sane in other areas, but also explain why he’s not entirely redeemable for the Jedi. With insane characters, you need to balance it between too mad and too sane. The former cannot be used reliably, while the latter removes the point of insanity. During his “re-education” process he would have been taught as best as the Sith Overseers could do. They would have done their best to purge all weakness from him, especially that rooted in Jedi ways. While some overseers might only want to break captives, most want their captives to become useful to the Empire and to the Sith. To not let all your fine work go to waste: Perhaps his new Sith master, or at least the overseer in charge of him, sent him into that tomb to harden him and to remove virtually all of his connection to the Light Side? Deep down in a Sith tomb, you won’t last long with just using the Light Side. Not only are there threats from other apprentices, but the tomb itself won’t be particularly nice. If that process would take him a year or two, then some masters would consider it worthwhile. One thing is sure… The Sith walking out of there wouldn’t have much in common with the Jedi who was sent in. To offer another suggestion: Perhaps his master monitored his progress? No matter if the master saw him useable or not, monitoring would be worthwhile. If nothing else, as a study of his descent into insanity. Once the Sith had control over Korriban, they did not train much at all upon Dromund Kaas. Only if their masters chose to train them there would they be there. His Force capabilities puts him as incapable of wielding any of the typical dark side powers.