[center][h2]Krill[/h2][/center] [@Miss Mermaid] Krill's eyes caught the flash of a brightly colored tail, just a few yards to his right. He glanced up through the tropical waters, tearing his eyes from the sand. To stare at the mermaid that had arrived in the long meadow of grass. Curiosity struck him. He wanted to go and talk to this mermaid. Normally a mermaid would ignore A Naga such as himself. However, he wasn't sure if she was even aware of his presence in the field. Deciding to not jump straight into her face, knowing it might end with him getting punched in the face. He slithered through the tall locks if green grass. Krill's white hair seemed to dance in the waves with the seaweed, flowing with the current. But not being so long that it could actually be seaweed. [b]"[color=Olive]Hey![/color]"[/b] he called to her, waving with his webbed fingers to her. His smile was goofy and playful, his eyes gleamed with excitement and a childish quality. While a normal Naga's voice would send chills through anyone, his voice was rather.... Animated, and silly. Enough to make anyone laugh instead of chills.