The flight over from the [i]Shadow of Intent[/i] had been silent, aside from the deep whir of the Phantom as it flew effortlessly through space. They made way for the planet Earth, where just outside its atmosphere a UNSC Charon-class light frigate named [i]"Earth’s Providence" [/i] floated peacefully. It was heard that the vessel was created after the [i]Foreword Unto Dawn [/i] was lost. Looking up from the aircraft's floor Rethea clicked her mandibles and let her gaze fall on a figure standing at the opposite end of the ship. Red armor shone in the dim light and golden eyes looked back at her. A deep Sangheili voice came to ear; male in tone. "You don't seem to be faring well......" This made her exhale, then chuckle. To state the truth she wasn't faring well. For the first time in her life she was leaving Sangheilios, and was going to a world inhabited by her people's past enemies, to aid them in a mission for [i]their[/i] gain. Of course, she didn't say that to her old friend.....not when the Ambassador stood not far away. "Never once have I set foot off of Sangheilios soil, Kal. This is all very new to me." The red armored male shifted and she caught clear sight of his face. His expression was soft and he gently worked his mandibles in thought. "It is not that bad, Rethea; working with the humans." He knew her far too well; all those years together as children had ensured to that. Shaking her head Rethea stood strait and huffed, "I'll decide that once we have finished our mission." For most of her life she was raised to hate the human race. How was she supposed to suddenly come to their aid and pretend as if all they did to her kind was a lie? But then.....that was the purpose of their participation in this task now wasn't it? To bring them all to a deeper 'understanding'. That was what the Arbiter had said. Ice blue eyes falling back to the floor Rethea heard the Ambassador shift uneasily beside her. The tension in the vessel was spreading to all its passengers. He was dressed in the slightest of armor; grey plates only covering his legs and chest. He wore neither helm nor protection on his arms. He had said it was to give him a less threatening appearance to the humans. Rethea didn’t know why that would work, considering he was a ‘split jaw’ standing at nearly 8 feet in height. The older male tilted his head and snorted, "I hope you change your mind, Ultra. It is imperative we give our best and cooperate with the humans; the Arbiter needs for our treaty to be strengthened not divided." His words made her grimace and look to Kal. Her friend stood in silence and watched on; shrugging without a word. Rethea held back a growl, "I will [i]cooperate[/i] with the humans.....that does not mean I will enjoy doing it." Her fists clenched and she leaned against the wall when their Phantom banked left, then slowed. Outside deep clangs and odd shouts reached the ear, accompanied by the rumble of the occasionally passing ship. Kal walked towards the side doors, "We’ve arrived.” A smile was on his mandibles, to which Rethea blinked and stood. Was he looking foreword to this? White armor shimmering in the blue interior lights of the Phantom she walked to his side, but not before grabbing her energy staff from the wall. It was forerunner in origin; thin energy blades like scalpals on either end. Being an Honor Guard Ultra it had been her weapon of choice. At her hip was a plasma rifle. Suddenly, a loud hiss sounded and the sides of the phantom cracked open; lighting the hull. Rethea blinked, before wincing painfully as the doors began to lower and her eyes were bombarded with an explosion of blinding light. She heard Kal chuckle, and she huffed, “The humans keep their ships much brighter than ours.” Eventually she could open her eyes, and when she did they widened in amazed orbs of blue. Their Phantom was slowly lowering, and as it did she was provided with the perfect view of the Providence’s hangar. Humans, just like the ones on the information videos, ran about hurriedly as they loaded supplies and vehicles onto the ship. They were much smaller than she had imagined; kind of odd looking in person. Still gawking at the people below them, Rethea did not notice as Kal step over and nudge her on the shoulder, “Your mandibles are hanging.” To this she gasped and snapped her jaws shut, before growling and clenching onto her staff. Below the humans had begun to notice the arrival of their guests; looking up with some expressions Rethea thought to be curiosity, excitement…….and a few moments….. disgust. She wasn’t the only one not looking foreword to this mission. The treaty was still fresh; some humans might still hold grudges towards their kind. Whatever was to meet them down there, Rethea was prepared. Taking stance on the left of the ambassador she nodded for Kal to take his right. She was going to make sure their charge was as safe as he could ever be.