[color=A52A2A] [b] "I think that would be a good idea but what is there in this large place? There are so many doors that I am not sure what to do first..... I'd put the things that would be used for a basic alter out. I do have a list of items for a basic alter. Some sort of a ceremonial table or trunk, table, cabinet or display case to set up the alter on. One would need items such as scarf, candles of various scents, pictures or dolls of the various Deities,Incense, 3) noise makers such as bells, clackers or drum to keep a beat or rhythm. There are many things that can be used for attracting the attention of the Deity or for keeping rhythm. Then there are Offering dish may be any material with one exception. If you will be burning your offering, you must use a metal offering dish. Offerings are gifts to your Deity. It can be made of paper or incense and be burned, or one of the puzzle animals, plants, elements or whatever you desire. The ones that you do not burn will need to be replaced from time to time for the essence will slowly be used up each time that you offer it.Offerings- For the puzzle ones, you will need a special knife called Athame. It will symbolically ‘cut the offering’ for you. For the ones that you burn- there are special long stick matches that can be purchased. Some have scents while others don’t and a few even have sparkles or colored flames. Perhaps some books?" Molly spoke as she jotted the items in her PD. "Myself, I would like a traveling table so I can type better While I walk. " [/b] [/color]