[quote=@ViolentViolet] [center][h1][color=mediumslateblue]Damian Luv[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2][color=9966CC]Café[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]With Jack Thomas[/h3][/center] Jack Outside the school The young man felt fingers threaded with his, rough and worn from his time swimming against Damian’s softer, smoother hands that he spent a lot of time maintaining. It was a habit of his really, to make sure he was properly groomed and presentable to the public, even if half of them thought he was a freak and the other half wouldn’t approach him if they had to. It was a miracle that Jack had even looked at him twice when they met in the match office, the goth had expected him to look and say no before asking for a different boy; maybe someone nicer on the eyes, taller, maybe a more submissive boy even. [color=mediumslateblue] “Of course it does Jack.”[/color] Damian said with a smile, leading the older man inside the café, passed a few other couples and a lone girl. He noticed a girl at the counter, a male next to her and from the way she carried herself, the homosexual boy could tell that the girl was gay as well and that the attention from the male was unwanted. Finding the two a seat, Damian signalled to Jack that he would be right back, flicking a wrist toward the two at the counter, and turned away before the man could argue. [color=mediumslateblue]“Elise?”[/color] Damian said the girls name, remembering it from history class the previous semester as he walked up to her, his hands shoved in his sweater pockets as he approached, smiling at her as if they were familiar with each other. [color=mediumslateblue]“I didn’t expect to see you here.”[/color] Finally reaching them, Damian leaned forward and hugged to girl, whispering in her ear [color=mediumslateblue]“Go with it,”[/color] so that the boy, who he now recognized as Gabriel, wouldn’t hear him; kissed her on the cheek before turning and obviously checking out the male.[color=mediumslateblue] “I don’t think he’s your type Elise; or you his. I just don’t see this working at all. Besides, aren’t you already in a committed relationship?”[/color] He had heard the girl speaking when he’d originally walked passed. With an arm around her shoulder he nudged her playfully before letting go and setting a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. [color=mediumslateblue]“Get lost bud. I’m sure he won’t be happy to know you’ve been hitting on his girl.”[/color] With that, Damian walked back over the where Jack sat, allowing his passive threat to hang in the air around the player. Damian came to rest on the other side of the table from Jack, obviously annoyed by the encounter and even more so by the male with which he had spoken to. [color=mediumslateblue]“She’s obviously gay nimrod.”[/color] He muttered under his breath with a sigh, waiting for the young waitress to come over and hand them menu’s while asking for their drinks. [color=mediumslateblue]“Mint chocolate frapichino, milk and sugar, foam and nutmeg on top.”[/color] He told her his drink order slowly, waiting for her to write part of it down before he continued on until the end; his fingers tapping on the table in front of him. When she left he looked at Jack across the table. [color=mediumslateblue]“So you wanted to know about this?”[/color] He pointed at the side of his neck where the black webbing was hidden beneath the thick curtain of hair he’d taught to retain its shape and stay in place. He lifted a hand and swept his hair out of the way while he pulled down the collar of his shirt to expose more of it; it laced further beneath his clothing though he showed no more than that. He parted his lips, licking them and trying to get rid of the sudden dryness that came with the hint of fear and nervousness that wracked through him as he thought about why he’d gotten the tattoo and how much pain it had put him through. [color=mediumslateblue]“To be frank, I got it because I’m gay. It’s a spider’s web, designed to catch and snare and never let its prey go. I guess it was my way of showing how trapped I felt for a long time before coming here. Even after I came here actually, I felt trapped by society. It stains my skin, just like my hands are stained and his. He touched me, when he found out I liked men over girls. Not in a way I wanted him to either. It was horrible; his hands were rough, uncaring. I can still remember the smell of smoke and whiskey on his breath, sweat and soot clinging to his body. The taste of my own tears; the sound of the cat clawing on the door and the dog howling for help because he couldn’t get in. I imagine he left with quite a few bites; if he made it out at all. Either way I never saw him again.”[/color] By the time that Damian was done he was cradling his face in his hand, breathing deeply with his eyes closed, ridged and very aware as he tried to shove aside the memories that continued to play behind his eyelids. It was like he could smell him again but he knew it wasn’t real, it wasn’t now. Now was Jack and Colorado and he breathed deeply, waiting to see how Jack would respond. The man had asked after all, but Damian hadn’t been able to just lie about it, or stop talking after he first said something. [/quote] Jack had to admit that he liked the way that Damien's hand felt in his own. It was a nice feeling since he could just tell by looking at Damien cared for how he looked which was a bit more than Jack did. That was not to say Jack was a total slob or didn't care. It was just rather difficult to keep yourself nice and clean when you had to go to swim practice every day. There also was the fact that he was not all that great at choosing clothes. His closet was basically filled with tight shirts and jeans. He had a few other outfits but he was not even close to being decent at anything like this. He would most definitely need Damien's help when it came to clothing. Jack could tell that he was decent at choosing his clothes and would definitely have his work cut out for him. Jack nodded as he heard the story. He had not expected anything like that when he asked to learn about the tattoo. He had expected something completely different but still he had asked the question so he had to do something about this. He rarely ever thought his own actions until he had already done it. So right now he quickly moved forward and hugged Damien close to him. He figured that this would be better than talking since Jack had the habit of swallowing his foot when he talked. Jack noticed that Damien was not as thin as he thought. He kept hugging Damien until suddenly he stopped and let the other man go. He looked over at Damien and sighed. "I am sorry that my question brought up such terrible memories. I shouldn't have asked you." Jack said sadly. Jack looked around the café and took a sip of his tea. He figured it was the right thing to just shut up and be quiet. He knew he did not have any words to say that would compare to what he had just been told. He then quickly decided to change the subject. "So Damien what is your idea of a perfect date. So I can have an idea for our first one." He said smiling at him slyly.