Name: Adriana Spring-Breeze, though she prefers her traveling name ‘Adda’ Race: Human Age: 28 Gender: Female Appearance: • Long black hair, often platted to a certain extent • A slender face and build, never having built up too much muscle • Fair, but tanned skin due to not having faced hardship in her life, but travelling often • 5’ 10’’ height, and as mentioned, a thin build Personality: Always willing to lend a hand Always makes a point of having someone she trusts in a village ‘accidentally’ notice her using magic for good, before moving on, allowing them to draw their own conclusions about magic Always ready for an debate Looks down greatly on irresponsible or selfish magic Clothing/Armor: Travellers garb. Loose leathers with plenty of pockets, a loose hood which does little to hide her appearance, but shelters from the elements to a certain extent. Heavy boots that have been used for years Though faded from years of use, the clothes bear a distinctive green and red colouring, and bears the marks of removed embroidering, which were probably sold along the way to the present Weapons: A regular steel shortsword, well kept but hardly the finest make A shoulder-height staff covered in carvings of leaves and branches. Although pretty, to the trained eye it is apparent that these designs were more the work of idle hands on nearby wood than anything with significance. It also serves as a device to help channel spells to a certain extent, though is by no means nessecary. Although starting as a stick picked off the ground, through fidgeting with both it’s ascetic and arcane elements Adriana has become quite attatched to it Alignment: Neutral Good Skills/Abilities: Journeyman Swordswoman: She won’t win any contests, but she doesn’t need to. She need only hold them off until she can unleash a spell. Traveller: Has a good sense of direction, and is used to sleeping under the stars. This includes basic survival knowledge Medicinal Skills: Even without magic she knows advanced medicine (for medieval times). Of course, this is normally used in combination with her magic, but she can help people without The Weave Magic: Healing magic: Generally accompanied by standard medicine. Even a basic cut needs to be cleaned before being sealed by magic Basic force magic: The ability to push foes away, hold doors shut, they kind of thing A plethora of far more specific spells. Maybe the ability to shoot a firework from the finger, or make ones hand glow. Start a fire without a flint and steel Backstory: At the age of 12 Adriana was labelled a witch. One moment everyone was laughing at her for dropping a crate of apples, in the next moment a merchant’s hair was on fire. Of course, as she would come to learn, The Weave does not react well to such outbursts, and she was horrifically wounded by her body’s lack of ability to mitigate the powers running through her. She was imprisoned, while unconscious she was locked up awaiting trail and a healer was sought. Breyak was summoned, as a travelling healer. He was informed that the girl before him was a witch, who had badly wounded one of the town’s merchants. She would be brought back to health and be put on trial. A priest was provided to ‘supress the evil’ in her. Any normal healer would have taken the money and been off, but Breyak was also a mage. She was in a coma, but the wounds were far from fatal. Some internal bleeding, very high blood pressure and some burns were easy enough to fix for the most part, and a month later she was conscious in bed, and ready to give testimony. She was very distressed, virtually in a state of shock Breyak took this opportunity to smuggle her out of her old life in the back of a horse-drawn cart. During several weeks of wandering and camping in the wilderness, she started to regain her senses. Breyak sat Adriana down and explained to her The Weave, the history of mages, the hate and fear they face today. Breyak explained to the twelve year old girl she would be hated by society for something her ancestors did or didn’t do, about how her vessel of flesh was but a catalyst for powers greater than everyone in the world (because that power IS the world). Adriana took it well For years after she trained in basic magic defense and magic healing, and travelled far and wide serving as basic healers, and when people weren’t looking applying a bit of magic to help the process As Adriana grew older, however, she began to disagree with her mentor. One of her chief regrets was leaving her home without saying goodbye. Her friends and siblings must think she was a monster, who ran because she was guilty. She believed she has to use magic for the greater good, whether people like it or not. She continued with her mentor’s tradition of using magic behind other’s backs, but has always wished for an opportunity for her talents to be appreciated, if only by a small circle of friends Arguments began small at first. Such is the nature of subjects that could spell doom for both parties if heard by an outside, but once away from prying ears voices were raised. Adriana believed that people should see magic doing good. People can never trust what they don’t understand. Breyak, who had lost many friends this way, fought for the idea this was a stupid idea, as people would never trust Mages. Both student and mentor threw curses and threats from time to time. At the age of 24, Breyak and Adriana realised they could no longer co-exist. Although they can still scry each other, they travel different paths. Adriana’s path has lead her to Waldershore, on this very day