[b]Name:Inowe Greenleaf Race:elf Weapons/spells/abilities:Twin mithril scimitars and a arcane elven longbow/[color=0072bc][i][b]Spells[/b][/i][/color]control weather, animal companion-Liago (Brown Dire wolf),far shot,multiple shot. Alignment:good Good, Evil or fighting your own side: History:Inowe Greenleaf, Commander of Lilla Elunore's elite rangers The Rune Walkers earned his name for his courageous defense of the elven left flank against The iron legions of the King Bulgol druing the battle at The Field of Tears. Inowe lead The Rune Walkers in an all out charge into the dwarven flank;running and shooting as they went to the aided of The kings brother Lord Redhalwar. In the end Inowe called upon nature to to rain turning the fields to mud pits allowing the elves to run upon the terrain as the heavy dwarves began to fatigue and tire. Then Again 100years later at Eagles Pass; this time beside the Dwarves of Gungak. It was Inowe's surprise attack from an old mine that lead to the slaughter of 12,000 including the orc king Golbadum. Description/appearance:[img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/147/4/c/dark_elf_warrior___concept_3_by_arsinoes-d51bycj.jpg[/img] Previous battles(if any):Field of Tears, The horde invasion Allegiance(Clan/Group etc):[/b]