[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GNZdkTU.png[/img][/center][h3][color=92278f]Basic Information[/color][/h3] [color=662d91][b]Species:[/b][/color] Elf [color=662d91][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 [color=662d91][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=662d91][b]Class:[/b][/color] Shadowblade (Rogue/Warrior) [color=662d91][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] [indent]Dressed in dragon leather armour and prowling the night like a hunting feline, 'Nighthawk's grace and agility mean that few ever get to see her true face. Always clinging to the shadows, she allows very few to draw near, least their eyes be scratched from their socets by her claws.[indent][hider=Shadow Cat Has Claws][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WzqRbee.png[/img][/center][/hider][/indent][/indent][h3][color=92278f]Curriculum Vitae[/color][/h3] [color=662d91][b]Specialisations:[/b][/color] [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Subterfuge_abilities]Subterfuge[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Sabotage_abilities]Sabotage[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Two-Handed_Weapon_abilities]Two-Handed Weapon[/url] [color=662d91][b]Notable Traits:[/b][/color][indent][i][color=92278f]Heartbreaker:[/color][/i] Whenever she isn't wielding it in battle 'Nighthawk' always carries her signature greatsword Heartbreaker in the oversized sheath strapped across her back. While some may jest at a rogue packing such an oversized weapon 'Nighthawk' has learnt exactly how to handle herself with it, moving with the same stealth and precision as any knife-wielding rogue. [i][color=92278f]Flexible Nature:[/color][/i] Naturally double-jointed and trained in using her body to maximum effect 'Nighthawk' can slip into even the tightest of spaces with little difficulty. Her climbing ability would put an alleycat to shame, leaping up vertical walls almost as easily as she'd prowl along an avenue. [i][color=92278f]Bittersweet Goodnight:[/color][/i] While some may say every woman's kiss is deadly in 'Nighthawk's case this is more true than ever. Using a special blend of wild herbs and berries 'Nighthawk' can brew a poison to which she herself is immune but to all others is deadly. Typically coating both her blade and her lips with the tincture 'Nighthawk' is certain to get her target, one way or another. [i][color=92278f]Compassionate Ear:[/color][/i] 'Nighthawk' knows exactly how to offer comfort and compassion when required and can put almost anyone at their ease with her king-hearted and warm ways. Offering to hear out their troubles and giving them a shoulder to cry on 'Nighthawk' rely forgets a thing she's heard, something some have lived to regret, while others haven't lived long enough to regret anything at all.[/indent][color=662d91][b]Flaws:[/b][/color][indent][i][color=92278f]Passionate:[/color][/i] 'Nighthawk's volatile nature is always bubbling just beneath the surface, ready to boil over at the slightest provocation. Sometimes people don't even know they've said the wrong thing until they feel the blade of her sword piercing their bodies, their limbs turning numb as her toxins reach for their vital organs. [i][color=92278f]Free Agent:[/color][/i] Always claiming to be her own boss, 'Nighthawk's tendency to come and go as she pleases can often leave her 'comrades' left in the dust. Sometimes vanishing without a trace only to appear again overnight 'Nighthawk' is not one to be relied upon even in the most trivial of moments. [i][color=92278f]Bloody Secret:[/color][/i] 'Nighthawk's very existence is a closely kept secret by a chosen few, and anyone she allows to hear her true name and live is to be considered her closest of friends. Any to hear her true name by accident... had better leave for somewhere remote and well defended, [i][b]NOW![/b][/i][/indent][color=662d91][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Block_and_Slash]Block and Slash[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Pommel_Strike_(Inquisition)]Pommel Strike[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Whirlwind_(Inquisition)]Whirlwind[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Mighty_Blow_(Inquisition)]Mighty Blow[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Poisoned_Weapons]Poisoned Weapons[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Toxic_Cloud]Toxic Cloud[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Stealth_(Inquisition)]Stealth[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Evade_(Inquisition)]Evade[/url], [url=http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Strike]Shadow Strike[/url] [h3][color=92278f]Backstory[/color][/h3] [color=662d91][b]Biography:[/b][/color] [indent]'Nighthawk' past is a carefully guarded secret, which involves at least one village burnt to the ground, seventeen 'deaths by misadventure' and three stolen babies. What can be guessed by her bearing and demeanour is that 'Nighthawk' was not Dalish, and was most likely raised in a noble household, most likely as a maid-in-waiting or some other high ranking servant's position. She was trained in reading and writing early in life, but has made little use of either beyond what she requires to perform her duties. At some point she has given birth, possibly more than once, but has never kept the children, whether due to poor circumstances, her itinerant lifestyle or simply because she never wished to be a mother. The real mystery is exactly when and where she obtained the abilities she makes much use of in her life, for fair or foul. Her stealth is beyond reproach, and she's often able to close within whispering range with her targets before they ever know she was there. Her use of a greatsword is equally notable, as she wields the large weapon with a grace and fluidity uncommon to one so petitely built. The sword itself, forged from Ice Dragon Bone and tempered to within a hair's breadth, its edge capable of cleaving through all but the toughest of armours seemingly without effort, again a mystery to add to many more. What is known is that there is a debt which can never be paid, or some other obligation held over her by Martin Oxblood. There must be, for what other reason does she continuously involve herself in his affairs, arriving from nowhere and leaving just as suddenly, only to return again. If the secret og the Nighthawk is ever to be discovered, it will be due to that man.[/indent][color=662d91][b]Personality and/or Motivation:[/b][/color][indent]While 'Nighthawk' will tell you her only motive is the thrill of the Game, and the joy of the hunt, in truth she's a very noble and honourable creature, bound by fate to forever be indebted to a man she can never repay. WHile the exact nature of the debt is uncertain to most, 'Nighthawk' knows that someday her services will be rewarded and she will be free.[/indent][color=662d91][b]Player’s long term goals:[/b][/color][indent]'Nighthawk' is a means to an end, a tool to be used when the plot needs to be pushed in the right direction, even if that means people may die in the process.[/indent][color=662d91][b]Relations:[/b][/color][indent]'Nighthawk's only relationship of note is Martin Oxblood, the man who holds her debt. While the exact nature of their relationship remains unclear what is known is that he is one of the very few who knows 'Nighthawk's true identity and the reason for her shadowy lifestyle, and someday he may just explain it all.[/indent][color=662d91][b]Secrets:[/b][/color][indent][i][color=92278f]Hidden Heritage:[/color][/i] 'Nighthawk' is Martin's trueborn daughter, cut from her elven mother's womb of after Martin had killed the woman to save her from the darkspawn taint. At first he didn't expect the baby to survive and so left the newborn in swaddling cloth on the steps of the Witch of the Wild, Flemeth. Ten years later his child returned to him, fully grown into a woman despite the lack of time having passed for her to be such, and unwilling to reveal what had happened to her.[/indent]