[color=7bcdc8]Name:[/color] Maggie "Shadow Hand" Garron [color=7bcdc8]Gender:[/color] Female [color=7bcdc8]Age:[/color] 19 [color=7bcdc8]Appearance:[/color] [hider=Not based on Garrett, this face just fit for me] [img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/forum/95000/95445_1305989801606_full.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=7bcdc8]Speciality:[/color] Sticky Fingers- Maggie is an amazing pickpocet and item lifter and placer. You want something taken from somewhere without being seen, Maggie is at the top of the list of thieves that can do that. Getting to that place, however, may be a problem. If it's locked, it's going to take a lot longer to find the owner of the house and lift the key, eventually 'giving' the key back (usually in a 'excuse me, sir/madam. I believe your key dropped from your pocket' way). [color=7bcdc8]Background:[/color] Maggie has been a loner for a while. Her parents did their best, but struggled to make ends meet. Maggie started begging for money, but found that obtaining the money was a lot easier when it could be picked up from a pocket. Usually the richer people will stop to say how such a pretty face shouldn't be begging. Along with some reference to the local whore house, to which Maggie would never degrade herself to such level. She still sends her parents money on a regular basis, but her parents have had it easier after she left for her 'job' she got at a factory at the age of 12. What really happened was that Maggie found people who would just take stuff and sell it back to the owner or the black market, which wasn't too hard to find. After a while, Maggie was stealing professionally. She had gotten the connections needed to sell anything she needed to. Though, she's needed help getting in places, so she's had to partner up with several different people to help get into a place. These people have over time have become regular partners and have more or less banded together. [color=7bcdc8]Personality traits:[/color] [list] [*]Cheerful [*]Optimistic [*]Helpful [*]When on a mission: silent unless necessary to make a noise[/list] [color=7bcdc8]Tools/equipment:[/color] Dark cloak, small dagger, and satchel. Anything else Maggie needs, she finds on someone else's person. [color=7bcdc8]Other:[/color] She may take an ally's tool/item without asking when she needs to use it. Just the whole 'sticky fingers' habit. She doesn't mean anything malicious by it, it's just quicker and quieter than asking and having it handed.