Maggie starts talking as soon as everyone has gotten a seat in their makeshift guild room. [color=7bcdc8]"First off, I'm glad all three of you can do this job. I mean, we're almost a true team of thieves, but we're really just a couple of people that happen to work together on a regular basis. Nothing serious. Anywho, I found [i]this[/i]-"[/color] slapping down a piece of paper with a gem printed on it [color=7bcdc8]"-beauty which is being held in an uptown manor. Now, it's heavily guarded, and there's magic involved with the defences, too. Oh, which reminds me. Scouty dude, this-"[/color] digging around, Maggie finds a decently weighted coin purse and sets it in front of the analyst [color=7bcdc8]"-is your pay for your scouting work. And good catch with the magical barrier. So, long story short, this one gem could sell for enough money for each of us to be [i]set. For. Life.[/i] So, how do we get it? We gotta break through magic by [i]using[/i] magical technology. Which we can find [i]here[/i]."[/color] Pulling out a map of the city with a building circled and many arrows pointed at it. [color=7bcdc8]"This, dear friends, is the institution of magical technology. IMT for short. So, the way this works is we sneak in there, get something that can disable or break through magic barriers, and then snag the gem. Then we're set for life!"[/color] Ending with a wide smile, she scanned the room's faces for reactions to her grand master plan.