"uh it's not good, it doesn't look good" were the first words Jack actually heard that he could comprehend as he felt the shaking of the craft become more and more violent. the voice was coming from the copilot of the craft. and although the voice was soft and somewhat distant due to the door being in the way, he could still make it out as the the copilot watched a massive storm reaching into the very heavens materialize around them as they broke through a layer of clouds. Jack couldn't see anything going on outside but that was perhaps for the best. "It's a Monarch!" he heard with a bit more clarity just before something rocked the craft rather violently and they started to spin somewhat slowly. "We're coming apart, something just took off our wing! we're going down!" he could hear the pilot more clearly as he called in their situation on the radio to the colonies down on the surface and perhaps to the ship above as well. He could hear the copilot keep calling out "mayday" into the coms shortly before the sound of sheering metal was heard and the two sections of the landing craft were split in half. the cargo section where everyone was started spinning a bit more as it became separated from the control section. Red lights flickered on as the air became electrified and the harnesses keeping the passengers in their seats hummed to life as artificial gravity generators kicked on in an effort to minimize any damage that may come to them. the pod tried to deploy it's emergency chutes but the frigid air coupled with the intense storm made short work of them. Next came several violent impacts as the cargo bay crashed into something, this triggered, all be it by acident" a set of retrograde thrusters, slowing the severed section down quite a bit before coming to a stop. all the jolting and jostling around sobered jack up quite a bit. nothing like the feeling of getting punched in the gut to wipe away a hangover and bring one to one's senses. They'd landed alright, that was for certain.