"And here I was about to remark to you how the new guy was talking to himself," said Isen'roy. He had been taking a nap atop a tree when he noticed the Sand Stalker making his rounds. Wanting to discuss the oddities of their new comrade, he had approached Ashaad only to catch him doing what seemed to be meditating. Isen'roy thought to himself how the two most normal of the Jaegars had departed leaving what now was an awkward trio. Nonetheless, Isen'roy being Isen'roy did not see the need to follow social rules and sat right next to Ashaad with a thunk. Grabbing the flask Ashaad had been drinking from earlier, he took a hearty swig and was met with a surprise. The drink had a unique spice to it that when combined with what seemed to be an an absurd alcohol ratio, created a powerful burning sensation with a unique taste. Fortunately, it was a drink still within his capabilities and he was able to keep himself from spitting it out. "Woah, I've always wanted to try the drinks of Qatar-Shan. I'm not disappointed." Despite saying that, he set the flask aside. Strong alcohol he loved and spicy food he loved but not when they were put together. Deciding to return to back the initial topic, he nodded towards Adrian who was leaning against one of the tents. "He's still talking to himself." [@Against This][@TheDarkTemplar]