Ashaad opened an eye to find Isen'roy taking a swig from his flask. It was a minor annoyance but one Ashaad quickly got over. [color=f7941d][b]"There are stronger drinks than that in Qatar-Shan I assure you"[/b][/color], Ashaad replied from behind his shemagh. [color=f7941d][b]"And those words were more than ramblings of a madman. They make up the dogma of my order"[/b][/color], Ashaad glanced over to where the newest member of his team stood. He waved for him to come over before turning his attention back to Isen'roy. [color=f7941d][b]"And you? What is your creed?"[/b][/color], Ashaad asked as he once again looked into the fire. He was not used to socializing with others, at least not in this way. In his line of work he rarely needed to speak for it was understood by all what his intentions were. Here it was different. Here he had to know these people, understand them, it was necessary if The Jaegers wanted to survive for long.