WIP, its time for an overhaul. [hr] Name: Kaldor Grouhl, The Bog King Race: Weapons: -Staff of the Ancients, a length of Iron Bark struck twice by lightning Spells: -Raise/Bind Dead -Corrupt Land, Requires a ritual but when cast it covers a given area in blighted earth where no life can thrive and the dead rise. -Bind Spirit, the cruelest of deaths. Should one die under the effects of this spell the spirit of the victim will be bound to Kaldor until released. Abilities: -Bane of the living, the living find it hard to be in Kaldor's presence due to his inherent wrongness but the opposite occurs with the dead. Kaldor is a beacon for the dead and their King calls to them. Alignment: Lawful Evil Good, Evil or fighting your own side: On the side of the dead. History: Once upon a time there was a king who would do anything to empower his kingdom. [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/275/e/1/knight_by_egakuro-d5gk1kp.jpg[/img] Previous battles: The Battle for the Frozen North, The war of Tal'Sharok, and hundreds more in his long unlife. Allegiance: The Dead Kingdom