[center][i]Your character’s Face Claim goes here. No anime or other drawings. If you're not into images, you can write a description. However, a simple search in Google will find you an image.[/i][/center] [b]Name[/b]: [i]This is your character’s name.[/i] [b]Age[/b]:[i] Anything between 13 and 80 is somewhat appropriate.[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: [i]Male or Female. This affects interactions with non-player characters.[/i] [b]Height[/b]: [i]The height of your character.[/i] [b]Profile[/b]: [i]This is personality, background, and other notes about your character rolled up into one section. Only include the most essential things here, as your character might die after your first post. You can add to this section over time, if you want.[/i] [b]Attributes[/b] [i]Avoidance: Discovery: Insight: Appearance: Ferocity: Madness: Skill:[/i] [i]Note: If you want to use the attribute icons you can find the code here: [url=https://titanpad.com/64NtcWDSHT]TitanPad[/url][/i] [b]Talents[/b] [i]These are single-word abilities that your character has. It can be things like Driving, Shooting, Sneaking, Climbing, Dancing, First Aid, Persuading, etc., anything that your character is particularly good at. Talents cooperate with your Skill attribute. There is no limit to how many talents your character can have, but at some point it will cease to make sense.[/i] [b]Mysterious Brand[/b] [i](optional) If you want to describe what the mysterious brand on your character's neck looks like, or provide an image, you can do so here.[/i] [b]Items[/b] [i]This will be a list of the items your character has in his or her possession. Update this whenever you gain or lose an item.[/i]