[center][h1]Liandrich[/h1][/center] The docks were busy as always. With fishermen hauling in their latest catch of fishes. Full nets were unloaded from the wooden ships and fishermen kept on cheering. Barrels full of the fresh fish were sealed and transported to the local fish market. It was funny, a few years ago not a man right in his mind would have attempted to fish around these waters. The nets would be torn and at least half the crew killed. Maybe that made fish such a requested good these days. People had missed eating fish during the short war. All that Liandrich observed from Fort Solstice. The citadel fortress near the city of Solarium. The fort had its own, walled harbor where the navy's ships laid anchor. He was dressed in a lose tunic, instead of his firm, formal clothes. The midday sun was still burning down on him. He wasn't used to this sort of warmed. This wet pressure. "Sir, the Ameria has been prepared." A sailor ran up to him on the battlements. "Very good. Let's start the patrol then." Liandrich didn't really see why they needed to patrol the waters between the fishing grounds and the colonies. Merpeople were seldom seen now. And the few who did come above water kept a safe distance. Though, in the marshes you'd often see a Regorian slithering along. And thus the crown prince boarded his caravel and gave the sign to his first mate to lift the anchor and drop the sail. They were outside the walled off harbor when the wind caught them. "Looks like we'll have a favorable wind sir! If it stays, we'll be in Surasha in a week!" yelled his first mate from the helm. Liandrich merely nodded. He looked around, a little nervous. It wasn't his first time on patrol. There was something odd about the wind. As if it was the air of a storm coming, despite the fact that the blue sky could be seen from horizon to horizon. With an occasional small, white cloud. [hr] [center][h1]Arios[/h1][/center] [@Silen Syanka] [i]A desire to change the subject? Ah, of course. The little princess loathes all fighting. Ignoring that is a part of our existence.[/i] Arios smiled. "For me there are so many duties I must attend to. If I remember correctly, your father desired for another Royal Ball. Oh for that I'd have to prepare myself. Every one of the household would be expected to dance. Me, your father...you." again he put an emphasis on 'you', as he struck her with a sudden powerful gaze. Though after that, he began to swim in circles in front of her. Twirling and turning and flipping over. "Hmmmm, what else is there? The opening of the latest museum about the Short War. An interesting specie, the humans. I believe it even hosts a wreckage. They say that at night, you can still hear the screams of sailors as their ship sinks." again, a quick, self-satisfied grin flashed over Arios' face. Suddenly he stopped in front of her. "Oh, but I almost forget. Your father has requested me to take you on a patrol. I too, was invited. What do you say, your highness? How would you like to see the surface?" There was no grin on his face this time. Just a neutral face. Not the killer one. Though it did have a certain sense of intimidation. He wouldn't accept no for an answer. Despite that he lied about her father's wish. All that were details of the great plan.