The twin cannons began to print themselves into existence under Akio's forearm as he noticed another projectile being fired off in his direction. The boulder however never hit it's intended target as a flash movement glided past his side, wielding a length of steel that both glistened under the light and cut the very air that it passed through. A loud slashing could be heard as the sword passed through the lump of earth, sending the debris off into various other directions. [color=orange]"If you haven't gotten your weapon figured out, run for it. I'll handle this,"[/color] an unknown voice called out as Akio slid along his shoe soles to an improper stop. He looked back at both the man and the unknown creature. [color=violet]> Multiple Targets Acquired ...Analysing... > Target 1 - Classification 'Friendly' > Identified as 'John Doe' > Target 2 - Classification 'Worm' > [color=red]WARNING!!![/color] Highly Dangerous.[/color] Akio's glasses spat out a whole heap of information, placing holographic labels on the two targets with various other data that at that point in time made no sense what-so-ever. He gritted his teeth as he breathed heavily from the military grade marathon that he just ran. This stranger he was looking at had a proud essence to him, an appearance of composure and understanding of the dangers surrounding him. "Oh, I know how these (cannons) are supposed to work, but for a first fight... this may be a bit out of my league," while speaking he noticed a warm sensation along his elbow, a trickle that dripped to the floor below. Turning to look at his shoulder he noticed a gash along his arm, the same side that smacked into the wall while he was running. Clicking the grip buttons to dissolve his cannons from existence, he began to set foot again while holding pressure on his arm to slow down the bleeding. [i]"It's not deep, thankfully,"[/i] he breathed with a sigh of relief as he found some fire exit stairs leading to the top of a building, [i]"but I'll watch this fight for the time being."[/i]