[center][h3]Parking Garage[/h3][/center] The motorcycled men were easy enough to follow. There were quite a number of them, and they were were fairly well armed-it would have been hard [i]not[/i] to follow them through the city streets to their destination here. While such a group would have been suspicious enough on their own, such a group just after the mass criminal exodus was almost certainly for more...nefarious purposes. It was difficult for Blitz to stay hidden as he trailed the group of ne'er-do-wells, in that being stealthy certainly wasn't his strongest suits. He had to trail behind them by several blocks, and more or less stick the entire opposite end of the parking garage listening to the loud entourage make their way to their destination. There-they were disembarking! He listened intently as he dashed from behind one structure to the next, until he was just one large concrete pillar away from the meeting. As he pressed his dark blue and gold armor against the pillar, Blitzed grinned to himself under the bug helmet. Busted out last night? Worried about the police and other upstanding superheroes? Wanting to try and fight them on equal terms? Clearly, villainry was afoot! Whatever strange weapons these men were intent on trading, it was Blitz's duty as a Masked Rider to stop all evil in its tracks! There were a lot of them, and they were armed to the teeth-but no matter! It was his job as the Rider of the Storm, the champion of love and justice, the Blitz Ranger-his great duty to stop those who subvert the law for their own gain! Besides, this can't be the worst odds he's faced before, yes? He was a hero who stands in the light, not one who hides in the dark like some villain! Spinning around, Blitz dashed out from behind the large pillar, straight towards the group. Small sparks jumped from his feet as his long legs carried him towards the small army. Now was the time for action! He stopped in front of them, laughing the top of his lungs, voice echoing out in the empty garage. "Halt, villain scum!" Blitz held his fists up in a pseudo-boxing stance, one hand clenched in a fist and the other open-palmed, long scarf trailing out behind him and whipping back and forth as if it had a mind of its own. "Today is the day that you taste defeat! Know this to be the fate of all those who try and work in the shadows-no matter what dark deeds you may be plotting, I shall be the bolt of JUSTICE that strikes down and rends you asunder! Brace yourself, fiends, for I am the Blitz Ranger!"