Adrian was indeed talking to himself, as his break had rather quickly devolved into noticing flaws in the camp's layout. His legendary scowl deepened with each one. "Having these tents piled on top of each other is just asking for trouble," he muttered, adding another item to his list. The unflattering analysis would have continued for quite some time, had he not noticed Ashaad gesturing for him to come over. The resulting grimace that etched itself on his face was a thing of wonder, as he considered just how unbearable his new teammates would be. Steeling his resolve and picking up Whisper, Adrian trudged over. [i]At the very least, I’ll get to see if the Sand Stalker and Phoenix live up to their lofty reputations, [/i]he quietly thought to himself, already sizing the two up. “I’m Adrian Somberwald,” he announced when he got close enough, “The Water Kingdom higher ups, in their ever brilliant wisdom, decided to send me here to take over for Ward and Coy.” His voice dripped with sarcasm at the mention of his superiors, who by and large were fools in his opinion.