Rand listened to the leader of their group, Maggie, attentively. It did indeed sound like a good plan, he hoped that the other people in the group were as skilled as he in their perspective areas. He then heard the girl next to him, who was running her fingers through her hair, wonder what she would do with herself and he smiled. It was true, that sometimes it was hard to find a role for yourself, especially when your working with new people, but Rand knew that all he needed, was to be confident-and so when Maggie and the girl brought up security, that's exactly what he was. He hefted his bag of equipment with its strap, making sure that it was in the perfect position to carry, as he added his two-bits in, "The security should not be a problem, even if its magical. I have experience with security systems before, true they weren't magical, but how it works should run off the same basic idea." He smiled as he continued. "It has to have a power source to run the barrier, and yeah I agree having some kind of magic technology-", the word sounded odd in his mind "-would definitely help to break through the barrier, and the easiest place to break through the security, is where it is the least bit supported by wires, current, people or whatever is maintaining that barrier." He explained.