Drake was still in a state of regret at killing Mama Bear, but his attention drawn to Danny when the big blue man gave him an order. He shook his head to get focused again and looked at the hippos running about. "Right, got it" he replied, but it more directed at himself trying to get out of his remorse. He quickly went into action and made sure not use his claws to hurt the animals even though his dragon side was tempted by the idea of eating fresh meat. He also made sure to keep his body from igniting and burning the hippos. He pushed into several to keep them away from killing people and tried to herd them back into their pens. ---- [b]Downtown Cleveland[/b] The streets were busy as people went to and from work or going to spend time with their families. Two unshaven guys dressed in smart business were hauling a large wooden towards the bank. Some people stopped to look at them as they walked and they noticed that the two men had rotted and missing teeth. One wore an eye patch and a bandana while the other had a peg leg. "Arrgh I told captain that these suits would make us stand out, I can't stand this bloody thing" the one eyed man said to his colleague. "I agree matey, but it's captain's orders and we must obey them or we will find out the meaning of Dead men tell no tales" the other man replied. "I suppose you be right Mr. Skidds, come on let's get this done and be rid of these horrid clothes" the man said and they soon came to the national bank and carried the large over the steps and into the bank. The security inside immediately stopped them and looked at them suspiciously. "What is this? and what's your business here?" a guard asked. "Why we come baring gifts matey. Have gander" Mr. Skidds said as he opened up the large box, revealing a large stone statue of an octopus. The guard was taken aback, and was slightly confused. "This is a back, not a Christmas party, I'm going to have to ask you to leave and take this with you" the guard said. "Alright matey, but see as how far we have walked with this here gift, might we leave here for a moment to get proper transportation for it?" he asked. The man looked at his follow security and after a moment. "Thank you matey, will be back quicker than death himself" Mr. Skidds said and left with his companion. Just outside of the bank, a man was checking his smartphone for messages when he noticed a red liquid begin to flow down the streets. Upon closer inspection he saw that it was blood! At the moment the octopus statue exploded and blow upon the inside of the bank, causing a massive plum of smoke. Mr. Skidds and his accomplice ripped off their suits to reveal pirate clothing underneath. A few seconds later, the Blood Dane appeared and was sailing on the streets. Sea Bastard was at the helm with his pet crow Bill on his shoulder and his crew all howling with their weapons drawn. "TAKE EVERYTHING THAT YOU CAN GET BOYS! KILL ALL WHO STAND IN YOUR WAY!!!!!" he shouted and he took out his pistol and shot a passing cab driver. His crew cheered and they got off of the ship and began to raid the area around them. There was a small group of pirates that went into the ruined bank to steal the riches within. The part of his crew that stayed on the ship manned the cannons and began firing wildly at the surrounding buildings, blast apart the walls. Sea Bastard picked up a bottle of rum and guzzled it before charging it with explosive power and tossing it into the busy street. The bottle exploded upon contact with a taxi and blew apart the vehicle and started a chain reaction causing other cars' fuel tanks to explode. Jack laughed wickedly at the mayhem he was causing. "Yo-ho-ho-ho a pirate's life for me!" he sang as he blew a random hipster's brains out with his blunderbuss and then shot a few street activists with pro-anarchy signs. They were pillaging and plundering downtown.