"Paris?" Shuo said confused. He had heard the word before but he didn't know what it actually meant, though judging by Rareth's response it was a significant place. This was further confirmed by Ghirn's acedote. "Not sure how I'm to be of much use on the human homeworld....they don't exactly like us there, as you know." Shuo made sure to emphasize the us and glancing at Shiva for a second. He folded his arms and brought his spike around and rested it in his arms. Shuo then mumbled a bit about that being why most of those weapons were ballistic knowing the Sovereignty couldn't launch an investigation in human space without quite a bit of red tape. While most of the sentiment towards humans at least in terms of the Sovereign people was met not with hostility but always with suspicion, though that was true of all those not in their conglomerate. Even if most of the Masulu and Tempu still alive had lived through the war their peoples didn't hold grudges much. The humans most certainly did though.