[b]Pouting as Andreios led her back to the trail, Ava followed her bodyguard back on track, feeling a bit like a scolded child. Though, she did feel that it was a bit worth it. It was a small moment, but her harsh man of a bodyguard had smiled, & he laughed. & he called her by her name. Maybe he wouldn't hate her forever; she didn't dare think it yet, but they could possibly become friends. Thankfully, the rest of the trip was rather uneventful, the two arriving with good time. As usual, the little cottage Ava's mother stayed in was well kept & fenced off for the woman's comfort. Ava herself always wondered by her mother wasn't in the house, but both of her parents insisted that it was only to keep her stress down. Ingrid Wenham sat in front of her fireplace as Ava & Andreios came in, the old woman looking tired, but happy. Ava wondered if the woman was getting enough sleep, but kept it to herself for the moment & went to take Ingrid's hands in her own. "Ava, it's been so long," Ingrid said quietly, "Nearly three years, yes? How busy have you been to not come visit your mother?" Ava gave Ingrid a confused look & tilted her head before laughing lightly. She had no idea what Ingrid meant by that. To her, it was still some time prior to her running away, minus the rebellious streak she'd been forming. "Mama, I came to visit just last week," Ava said with a small laugh, "Maybe you need a little more sleep, Mama. It really hasn't been that long." Ingrid looked a bit disgruntled, but smiled at Ava all the same, keeping that smile as she requested that Ava make some tea. The young woman left the room before Ingrid turned her attention to Andreios, her expression more cold now. "Tell me what that man did to my little girl," Ingrid commanded, "I didn't fight him when he shoved me into a home in the middle of nowhere, but I won't tolerate him sinking his claws into Ava."[/b]