[@Legion02] Thalassa felt as though her skin was crawling with sea crawlers. Her gaze was locked with Arios, and despite wishing to look away. She could not. It was as if his stare was a prison. Once you looked, your gaze could not be removed until he deemed it time. And he would not let her eyes go until she had accepted his request. "Alright" she said softly "I will come along" she felt as though each word was as stiff as rock. As she wondered why her father would want her to patrol. Maybe so she could go use to more of their kingdom, a kingdom that one day she would rule. Her mind worked like her striped tail. Rolling over thoughts at the same pace that her fine pushed to keep her a float. She wondered if maybe she would see humans. And if she did, how would her body respond. She knew the most likely response would be to freeze for a moment, before quickly descending back into the comforting waves where she would be unseen. She feared the slim chance that curiosity would overwhelm her. Causing her to stride closer and closer to the waves. Until she could touch the stern of the ship. She had always had the desire to touch a ship, still drifting above the ocean's exotic world. To jump along side it, with the dolphins that would dance and play in and out of the water. If only there was a way to do this without being seen by men. Thalassa wished every now and again that that she wasn't so fearful. That she could have the courage to explore the things that struck her Interest. But she knew no matter what she did, she wouldn't and couldn't change. She was naive and fearful. That's what made it worse for her. Knowing she would be a queen one day. But what good would a queen be if she couldn't even stand in the crowd of people.