It took all, literally all of Solanne’s will power and resolve not to burst out laughing at Hazel’s behavior. Oh yes, she was still a sucker for the Corpse Collector. It was a shame Marianne never really noticed the other mage’s advances or just flat out didn’t care. A shame really, but that was just more amusement on Solanne’s part. Even so, the redhead noticed that her younger “sister” was looking at Hazel now. To this, she had to raise an eye. She had seen this many times and for once she was glad of it. It meant Amadeus might one day not end up dead in a ditch missing some parts. Maybe. “If you say so Spell Spitter,” Solanne finally said, attention turning back to her other “sister”. “But I gotta wonder, what sort of person can be interesting, attractive, and want to kill you all at the same time? Doesn’t that sound counterproductive?” She was about to continue her teasing when something impossible happened that made even the Crimson Hound silent. For the first time in what was perhaps weeks, Marianne let go of Amadeus’ arm. She was usually clinging onto him as far as Solanne knew; at least she was every time she happened to cross the two teens. “Yes, I have to agree with big sister. Miss Faker, what sort of people would fit into this broad category of yours? They must indeed be special if you’re complimenting someone that wants you dead.” Marianne’s expression was cool and the happy smile was now a confident, almost cruel smirk. Even better, the Corpse Collector quickly closed the distance between them until their bodies were inches apart. A knowing gleam was in her good eye and she waited for the other girl’s response. Meanwhile, Solanne just watched with crossed arms and the stupidest grin on her face. Oh this was going to be good.