Name: Fallan Species: Super Mutant Race: formerly African American Age: 74 Height: 7' 5" Weight: 950 Appearance: Large and brutish on the outside, but kind and intellectual on the inside. Wrapped in an assortment of curtains and bedsheets over hastily-assembled scrap metal covering the shoulders, chest, groin, and knees. Fallan does not have many scars or wounds as he (unlike most super mutants) prefers not to engage in combat situations. On top of his head is a pair of faded cyan welding goggles. Equipment: Large Hiking Bag (whiskey, vodka, moonshine, 10 stimpaks, 2 rolls of duct tape, scrap metal, Hammer, Nails), Leather Pouch (250 caps) Weapons: Trench Knife, Custom Electrified Axe, Custom Hunting Rifle w/ Scope Specializations: Weapon Modifications, Repair, Jury Rigging, Close Combat Other: Being a super mutant, Fallan is able to withstand intense levels of radiation and is able to regenerate his health when radiated. Negative Attributes: Since he is a close combat specialist and very big, Fallan is usually the first one to get shot at. Furthermore, his unwieldiness leads to a lack of precision and accuracy when using firearms or any technology. Fallan's prowess with jury rigging and modifications leads to the creation of lower quality, yet effective tools. Biography: