As the rain grew in intensity outside, Kethuala sat around the fire, petting his pet Bear. Thankfully, they'd managed to gather a decent supply of firewood before it started to rain so hard, but the supply wouldn't last forever. "Come." he said to the others. "If we are to be stuck here, we may as well make some use of it. If no one objects, I would link our minds together, and take us back to the first battle. If we are to learn of the Demon Lord, we must see how we fought him in the past." [hr] After all questions had been answered and everyone was comfortable, he arranged to have Bear watch over them and awaken him if there was any trouble. He then reached out with his mind and linked them, and dove back into the past, further than he'd every gone before. [hr] Ata'ka'thu left the tent as the sun arose. Her dreams last night had been of a dark creature, with eyes the color of blood. It crushed villages beneath its feet, and devoured people and animals alike. In her dream she ran, unwilling to stop, lest it catch and eat her as well. When she made it to the sacred tree, however, the creature stopped its prusuit, and walked away. She shook the dream from her mind. She needed to gather her berries and herbs quickly, as she could feel a storm approaching. This storm felt angry, though, as if the spirits of the rain and thunder had malice towards the people of the land. Knowing she must hurry, however, she ignored the approaching storm and climbed down the hill into the valley. She approached the overproducing bushes of blue and black berries and of grapes and trees of nuts. As she finished gathering the first bushes berries, though, she saw a person approaching. She knew not whether they were friend or foe, man or woman, but she was kind to all until they proved that they had evil in their hearts against her or her people. "Are you hungry?" she called out to them. "I have fresh berries, if you want some of them." Often, the best way to make a new friend was to offer them a meal.