[h1][color=00c7ff][i]Astrid Ashbourne[/i][/color][/h1] [hr] Fiona's arms swung instinctively when they teleported on top of the wall. Astrid watched carefully, ready to dart forward and catch her if she began to fall. Looking over the side she could see that the fall would not be a pretty one. As soon a Fiona managed to steady herself, Astrid got a chance to fully look around the ruins. It looked like a school. Well, more like it used to me a school. Overgrown and full of broken down buildings, but still it was possible to tell that it definitely used to be a school. Buried in thought, Astrid was surprised when a large boom shattered it's way through the air. It caught her so off balance that she jumped. Landing unprepared Astrid slipped on a pile of loose rocks that was lying on top of the wall. She began to teeter on the edge of the wall. Her heart jumped in her chest causing her to catch her breath. Her arms shot out to the side, quite like Fiona had done moments before, trying to regain her balance. The rocks beneath her feet tumbled a bit more, and Astrid plunged over the edge. She only made it ten feet before teleporting up back onto the ledge. Landing face down, her face smushed into the rocks. It took her a moment before she could say anything her voice was so shaky. [color=00c7ff]"J-jesus christ. I think I nearly pissed myself."[/color] Her voice shook as she tried to crack out a joke just to calm her nerves. She lay there for a moment trying to regain her breath. Slowly she pushed herself into a sitting position, hands trembling from adrenaline and exhaustion. Too much teleporting too quickly. She needed to make sure she monitored herself more or she would be too tired to save herself from another fall. One thing for sure they needed to get off this damn wall. Finally looking back up towards Fiona, she nodded when another method besides teleporting was brought up. [color=00c7ff]"Just get me off this wall. Please." [/color] She kept her eyes locked on Fiona, afraid she might accidentally glance over the edge again. Normally Astrid wasn't scared of heights, but after her recent mishap she wasn't exactly fond of being so high up.