Here are my characters. Let me know if they are okay or what needs changed. [hider=Col. Travis D. Letterman][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Col. Travis D. Letterman [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 38 [b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [img][/img] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Col. Leatherman is generally a calm and easy going, but due to recent events and copious amounts of stress he has become very “military” with his behaviors. Everything is either direct and to the point or he sees it as unimportant. [b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b] Head of the Military Science Division within N.A.I.L. [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] 1911 handgun (In his desk) .45 Cal handgun (For out in the field) [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] Travis and his brother grew-up in family that had been involved in the military since Vietnam, and they were no exception. After making it through school with a slightly above average grade Travis went into the military after a year of down time which spent jumping from job to job, and girl to girl. It was mainly because of his inability to find a place where he was comfortable that he went into the army. He was restless and continued feeling this way for some time. After boot-camp, and a few simple service outfits, Travis was sent overseas to fight with allied forces against some rising terror groups claiming to be working with Cell Six. For some time it had just seemed like a bluff they were pulling to instill fear into the local areas, but became quickly realized as truth when they were aided by mercenaries that could not have been bought lightly. This battle was very long and hard war in which many lives were lost, but out of it came a very special and secrete branch of the military. During this war, that took the better part of 3 years, the military was aided by the League to become victorious in many battles, and this made some of the higher-ups in the military want to create heroes of their own. Looking over lists of people who had the closest interactions with the League they began selecting people to form the N.A.I.L. Travis and a few others in his regiment were among those selected for this group. It wasn’t until 7 years after the war against Cell Six that the N.A.I.L. was actually ready to be started, and they began pulling people to be a part of it. During this 7 years those that were overseeing N.A.I.L. were also seeing that the selected were able to grow and excel in the areas that that they would profit from. This meant that Travis was eventually put into a Special Ops group accelerating his eligibility for promotions. When the time was right Travis was offered a position to lead one of the many N.A.I.L. Spec ops teams that were responsible for overlooking Justice League points of interest, and making sure that what messes they make get cleaned up before potentially dangerous materials fall into the wrong hands. A few more years passed with Travis leading his team into some really, REALLY messed up situations to make sure that people were saved or moved; materials were secured or retrieved and so on and so forth. Until, that is, Travis was presented the opportunity to become a Colonel and Director of Operations for the Military Science Division. Taking this Travis has now been Director and Head for 5 years, and has overseen the expansion of N.A.I.L. to incorporate its Science Division. [/hider] [hider=Over Watch][center][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [img][/img] [b][u]Alias from right to left:[/u][/b] Buster, Wolf, Dex, Riggs (Team Name: Over Watch)[/center] [b][u]Names:[/u][/b] CLASSIFIED [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] Riggs – 32-Male Dex – 26-Male Wolf – 28-Male Buster – 29-Male [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] Not so typical military group. They are closed to anyone not part of Paradigm and not all that open to the other Paradigm squads. They all have a bond like they are family. [b][u]Occupation:[/u][/b] N.A.I.L. Spec Ops [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] 1911 handguns AR-15 modeled railguns Active HUD glasses (Sunglasses when needed, and with built in GPS.) (Other equipment varies for assignments.) [b][u]Bio:[/u][/b] Trained and served with the Navy SEALS for varying years, but have been a solid group with N.A.I.L. for 3 years. Everything else is Classified. With recent events they have been tasked with an abundance of deter and protect missions rather than retrieve and secure. [/hider]