@Cuccoruler: So I used google and wikipedia to learn about rogues gallery. A rogues gallery (or rogues' gallery) [u]is a police collection of pictures or photographs of criminals and suspects kept for identification purposes[/u].[1] [u]The term is also used figuratively for any group of shady characters or the line-up of "mugshot" photographs that might be displayed in the halls of a dormitory or workplace.[/u] History[edit] In 1855, Allan Pinkerton founded the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. Pinkerton devised the Rogues’ Gallery [2] — [u]a compilation of descriptions, methods of operation (modus operandi), hiding places, and names of criminals and their associates.[/u] ^ ok so the first two underlined sections could be instead of a police collection it could be Midcube's and mine wall of organization members to keep track of who's with us and who's not. Also another wall could have pictures of targets to get rid of by the organization. That last underlined section, me and midcube might have a file for that locked up, because that underlined bit basically describes the most important imformation of the organization which we of course would not want to have it in the wrong hands.