[color=7bcdc8]"Aha, and that, sir, is where you're... less correct. Not wrong, exactly, but the magic shield system is opened by [i]glyphs[/i]. A runic glyph is etched into the hand of the accessor and can only let that person in. Now, for a guest, that guard would have to go in to the magic-barrier-control-room-place and use something that opens the barrier for a few seconds. Thus, I'm afraid to say, is why we can't force our way in. The glyphs stop working if the hand is detached or the guard is dead. Possession won't work either, so I've been told. I was told by my info broker that the barrier also cleanses the entrant of enchantments. And that the control-room-place is near the middle of the mansion. They keep this place on a tight leash. And the closest public event is nearly a year from now. We don't have that kind of time."[/color] Quickly explaining the bad news and all of the 'we can't's, Maggie continues with good news. [color=7bcdc8]"So, instead, my info broker also mentioned a tool that could tear a hole in the barrier is being moved to another place at the end of this week. We can either catch it in-transit or at its destination. Either will work. There's roof access, so Luck, you'll have no problem getting in. The hard part is gonna be getting out. It's pretty hefty. It's about the size of a crossbow, so we can't exactly hide it. We'll need to transport it quickly to the magic mansion, cause if we wait, word gets out. Security increases. Yadda yadda yadda. So till then, either we can be a more permanent team, since we call on each others' talents regularly anyways, or we can go our separate ways till the end of the week. Whadda ya guys say?"[/color] Maggie ended with a huge smile, looking around at her, dare say, friends. Most frequent partners? Really good acquaintances? No matter the title, they could all be set for their own individual lives with this one heist.