It appeared that Ash did not like the suggestion of speeding their conversation up to get back to the coffee that he had already ordered. "[color=B22222]Not until we're done,[/color]" hissed Ash, his eyes narrowing as he grabbed Curt's collar, "[color=B22222]Not unt-[/color]" He paused, looking back at the door, then back at Curt, then the door again. "[color=B22222]Stay here and don't get into trouble,[/color]" Ash let go of his collar and and left the back room. Curtis had no idea what Ash was up to. Something had obviously occurred to shake him up, which is something that is quite out of the ordinary. Ash may be a bit of a hot-head but for the most part he always kept his cool. It was all part of his precious "I couldn't care less/fuck off" persona that he so lovingly created. However his thoughts were interrupted by Ash bursting back into the room. "[color=B22222]Here,[/color]" Suddenly Curtis was holding the latte that he had ordered, and Ash had decided to bring a guest to their little backroom discussion. Crystal, the barista that had taken his order. "[color=B22222]Show us what you can do,[/color]" "[color=6ecff6]You're gonna have to be more specific than that.[/color]" "[color=B22222]I know you can do something. Yormie wouldn't be int-[/color]" Ash was interrupted by his faithful companion making an appearance. Yormie was nice enough, for a reptile. Ash has owned Yormie for quite some time and the serpent was just now warming up to Curtis. "[color=B22222]The stupid snake wouldn't be so curious about you. Spill, what can you do?[/color]" Ash allowed a flame to leap to life in the palm of his hand. Then in some bizarre display Ash formed the flame into some kind of god forsaken hat. "[color=B22222]Now share yours.[/color]" Crystal was obviously shocked by Ash's little show. [i][color=DarkOrange]'s out of the bag.[/color][/i] Curtis thought to himself. "[color=6ecff6]Well, boys. This has been a very eventful evening. Thank you for showing me your magic trick. Unfortunately, I'm not interested in those things, mister magician.[/color]" She was trying to leave. Ash had just blown their secret wide open and the only other person that knows was just going to leave without saying anything. Curtis couldn't have that. He focused on the tiles on either side of the door, luckily they were ceramic. He tilted them all slightly upwards. Enough that the door wasn't going to open without a great deal of force, and hopefully no one would notice. "[color=DarkOrange]Crystal. I know its hard to believe, but just listen. Ash and I aren't doing any kind of magicians.[/color]" Curtis summoned a tile from the ground and had it float just about waist level. He sat his latte upon it. "[color=DarkOrange]Ash is convinced that you can do things like we can. Its fine if you can't, heaven knows that Ash has been wrong before, but we now have a problem. You now know what we do. If you are like us then I feel like its common courtesy that you share with us. If you aren't then that's fine too, however either way you aren't leaving until I feel like our secret is safe.[/color]" Curtis picked his latte back up and slowly lowered the tile back into place, his eyes fixed on Crystal the entire time.