Kalinda didn't need approval to be in, she didn't partocularly care. She just gave a nod, and waited for whatever they were going to do. Which didn't seem anything, at the moment. No one seemed to know what happened. She sighed, and leaned back on one heel, most of her weight on the back one, and crossing her arms over her chest, reserved ---- Connor rolled her eyes, "any classes I have were destroyed with the school. And I'm not into dissecting people, but I do do testing...well. I haven't had to yet, but if someone messes around with chemicals and suddenly develops powers, then I need to make sure they aren't going to break down and burst into flames or something, don't i?" Connor said, looking over to Flood. "Don't mind flood. But don't give Hina reason to use the sword" he said, "what are you?" ---- Phoebe smiled, and said "hi! Are you okay?" She asked, wanting to know if everything was alright with her friend, "perhaps we can join up? I've got no clue what to do, nor does Mako or Ryan. But if we put our heads together we should be able to figure something out"