Spike waited a few more minutes, and before realizing it noticed two individuals walking towards him. As one of them brushed of some dirt, and as he noticed the eyes staring at him, he walked into the class room without paying any attention towards them. They would probably think he was some kind of freak, perhaps even worse, a hobo... As Spike walked inside, he took a seat at the back of the class, to make asure he wasn't the center of attention. As he sat down, he just stared out the window, without paying much attention to others whom would walk inside the class. As he could recall, he was mostly an outsider, always had been and probably always will be. He wasn't expecting them to like him, nor to be his friends, for he never had any friends for the past few years, let alone for the past few days. Half an hour later, a teacher walked into the room and handed out pieces of paper to each student present in the room. [i][b]“Now pick a word and write it on the paper in front of you. And do try to be serious, this word will be the most important thing to you this year, other than perhaps your life.” [/b][/i]Without even introducing himself he had already spoken and handed out a foolish piece of paper. Perhaps this academy was different than he had imagined, although he still enjoyed being here somehow. Perhaps it was the atmosphere that surrounded this place, and perhaps it was the sensation one would gain from the island. As Spike looked at the paper infront of him, he started biting his thumbnail, he couldn't think of a word, not even a single word popped in his mind. As he started to bite harder in his thumb, a small wound was created, making blood drip onto the paper. Blood! That's it, why not! He was used to it, especially with what he had been trough, and it would be the perfect word! As he wrote it down, his mind flashed back to that moment, within these mere seconds Spike wrote blood onto the entire paper, multiple times. [i][b]"Now say the word you just wrote out loud."[/b][/i] Spike glanced at the man for a moment, before grinning. He had snapped out of his memory and noticed his paper before mumbling the word. A strange sensation filled his body before a strange kind of pain filled his right arm. He wasn't sure what to expect from this, but sure as hell wasn't this! [i][b]"Now, I'm Mr. Brindley, and this is where things get interesting."[/b][/i] Just as he had said that, the light from the sun got blocked. Spike didn't knew what to expect, but before he knew it, the room was filled with strange runes. As a quick peek outside, Spike noticed the runes covered the entire schoolground. Was this what they called Blights? Perhaps it was, and he heard about these, although he never expected them to be true! Spike immedialty made asure he was safe, he had to get away from these runes before something bad would happen to him!