[u][b]Name[/b][/u] Alexis Chandle [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 27 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Description[/b][/u] [hider=Image][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-elK5G7F-wP0/UhJo9AWL92I/AAAAAAAAFgY/rZZGTh-KPNA/s1600/Blonde+in+forest.jpg[/img][/hider] Wears a black business suit (with trousers rather than a skirt) with either a white or light blue blouse and plain black leather shoes. In colder weather she has a waterproof greatcoat of a charcoal grey shade. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Generally affable and bright-spirited, Alexis is one able to slip herself into most environments. While she is friendly both on the surface and underneath she also has the emotional detachment to use people. Unfortunately this only comes into play when she knows from the outset that they will be a tool or pawn; she cannot simply cut off attachment once any has been made and this can lead to her becoming emotionally compromised. So far it has only led to strife after the fact but it may well lead to a situation where she abandons her duty when the attachment proves too much. [u][b]Occupation:[/b][/u] NAIL Agent. [u][b]Equipment[/b][/u] Standard fare, no 'gizmos or gadgets'. By trade she is a long range combatant and prefers the use of either a sniper rifle or a semi-automatic assault rifle, always with a scope where possible. She will only have these weapons when she knows she is entering a fight; day to day she carries a SIG-Sauer P226 9mm (a telling detail of her SAS background) and a combat knife. The latter can be found strapped to her ankle and is her weapon of absolute last resort. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] Alexis was born to British parents, both serving in armed forces. Her father was in Royal Air Force (RAF) serving in logistics while her mother was a field doctor with the 'troopers' as she called them. Both saw active field service several times and the young Alexis was raised almost exclusively by her grandparents, her grandfather having seen service in the Royal Navy during WW2. It seemed, with this pedigree, inevitable that she would eventually enrol in the military. With her success in academics and other activities consistent she was soon approached by the more highly skilled divisions. By the time she reached the age of 23 she had gone through the Royal Marines, serving as a linguistics officer for the Ministry of Defence's (MoD) Chief of Staff (French and Spanish her known languages), onto the SAS as an active field agent. She was largely posted in the UK for domestic defence but served abroad in France, alongside their special forces, and in Iraq for a brief period to ensure that outposts being handed over to the country's own military weren't overrun by enemy forces. She had no fondness for her job and disliked the fight in Iraq, having difficult connecting her mission there and the benefit it brought to her country's people in the way that was pitched by politicians. Nevertheless she carried out her duties impeccably and on returning to the UK she retired, moving to the US where her elder brother had been deployed years ago and had eventually settled. When trouble began to brew in Golden Coast Alexis was approached with an invitation to join N.A.I.L. Seeing her chance to employ her skills in a way meant to aid others, with apparently little political meddling, she took up the chance and handed in her notice to the bank she had been employed in for the past two years. Although a little rusty she has stayed in peak physical condition, a matter of habit rather than deliberate choice by that point in her life, and is ready to serve.