The ground beneath Kahjo started to come into focus, at long last. The fall through the atmosphere of the unknown planet had been frigid, with the outside of Kahjo's fingers currently turning blue - from the cold and not from her genetics as a Thuboisii half-breed. She pulled the toggle for the parachute to open. Nothing happened. [i]Well... fuck.[/i] Kahjo twisted as she fell, tumbling in a demented forward-roll fashion, trying to grab hold of wherever the backup cord was to be found. By the time the thief had found the life-saving toggle, the ground was looking scarily close. Thankfully when she yanked on it this time, the parachute shot out of her pack and sprung into action, thankfully slowing down the alarming speed she was approaching the ground below at. Letting out a sigh of relief, Kahjo took her physical condition into action, giving herself the once over as she drifted lower and lower. The explosion from the Navy shuttle and it's ensuing blast of debris had earned the notorious criminal quite a few cuts and abrasions, the worst of which was a nasty looking gash across her ribs that blood was flowing out of, drenching her clothing. Indeed, the blood had made it's way down the expanse of her torso and was currently running down her leg, heading straight for her black, leather boots. Kahjo looked down at the landscape below, looking for a good place to land. The sight that met her emerald coloured eyes didn't please her. Nope, not one bit. For as far as her eyes could see from her high vantage point, there was only desert. Sand, a few rocky outcroppings and oh, more sand. [i]Grrreat.[/i] Kahjo steered her descent to what looked like the flattest area to use as a runway for her landing. The landing was less than smooth, the sand giving way underneath Kahjo's feet making her stumbled and trip, causing the parachute strings to wrap around her. When she eventually stopped rolling, she looked like a fish caught in a fisherman's net. Letting out a groan of irritation, she started slicing her way out with the help of her trusty taser-knives that were strapped to her knuckles. Stretching, Kahjo winced at the sting her wound, now full of sand, was causing her. She would have to cauterise the wound with some of her chemicals that she kept for bomb making in her messenger-style bag. It certainly wouldn't do to loose too much blood and become light headed - the sun would already take care of that. Kahjo made her way over to a rocky outcrop that had a slight overhang to it, offering the injured woman a sliver of shade from the blazing sun and heat. She slumped against the stone and reached into her bag, then started pulling apart a grenade bomb and mixing it with a viscous, purple liquid. Kahjo watched it as it sizzled, then lifted up her top, trying not to wince as she did so. [i]This is gonna hurt...[/i] And it did. She had to bite her lip hard to not cry out when the concoction of the chemical cocktail touched her skin. It would be painful for several more days before it finally started to heal and scar, but at least for now the wound was closed and there was little chance of infection. As for the smell of her blood attracting any lurking, hungry predators, she was out of luck on that one. Kahjo cringed, taking into account all her blood splattered garments. Grumbling, she stood up and look around. [b]"Well, I better get a move on..."[/b] Kahjo mumbled to herself, then started moving towards the mountains she had seen on her descent.