[center][h1][color=aqua]Umichi[/color][/h1][/center] [color=bc8dbf]"I've never really craved the company of other women. I have seven brothers"[/color] Suki had replied to Umichi. [color=aqua]"Oh, that's quite a big family you got there. I guess you are used to being around guys then."[/color] Umichi replied back. [color=ed145b]"I used standard one handed swords. What weapon do you use Onii-chan?"[/color] the young girl replied and asked back at Umichi. She also shook her head in reply to his other question. [color=aqua]"I also happen to use one-handed swords. Since you are alone, would you like to join us? We have room for another. We are just about to head off to eat. That is alright with you two yeah?"[/color] Umichi lifted his head and turned it up a bit to look at both Tatsumi and Suki. Turning back to the girl, he smiled and introduced himself. [color=aqua]"My name is Umichi, and this here is Suki and Tatsumi. What's your name?"[/color] Standing up, his right hand swiped down, opening his menu, and he navigated to the party section to invite the young girl. [@Caits] [@Savo] [@liferusher] [@YipeeXD] [hr] [center][h1][color=thistle]YukiHana[/color][/h1][/center] Holding the hand of her grandfather, YukiHana, followed to the inn. Jax-onii-san, Nagayama-onee-san and Ojii-san seemed be discussing the accommodations at the inn. Yawning one last time, before reaching the inn, YukiHana was nodding off, difficulty with even standing. [color=thistle]"Oya...sumi... (Good.... Night...)"[/color] she called out to the other two before falling asleep in bed. [hr] Waking up, the next morning, YukiHana nudged her ojii-san. [color=thistle]"Ojii-san, wake up. We still need to find onii-san and onee-san!"[/color] She remembered that her cousins were also in the game, and that they would need to find them. [@Stale Pizza] [@Eklispe] [@Thanatos] [@Animus]