[@Dragonite777] [color=7ea7d8]"That's good to hear,"[/color] Condor whispered in Birdseed's ear, suddenly pulling her hands away from the younger woman's body. Without even bothering to fasten up her gown Condor strode through the house until she reached the comms centre, kicking open the door she quickly grabbed one of the radio mics and tuned the set to the overwater frequency they'd been using for this mission. [@Jangel13] [color=7ea7d8]"Hey 'Angel, you might want to check out the pool house security footage when you get a chance, then you won't have to guess who just fucked your girlfriend in the hot tub."[/color] Without waiting for a response Condor threw the mic down on the desk and spun on her heel, stomping back to the kitchen. Bending down in front of the fridge Condor pulled a can of beer from the door shelf and quickly cracked it open, draining most of the contents with one long glug before taking a breath and finishing it off with a deeply satisfied sigh. [color=7ea7d8]"That'll teach the bitch to ruin my mission."[/color] She muttered to herself, reaching down for another beer.