Sal, was sitting in the back of the Cavern, busying himself with sharpening his weapons with one of the whetstones he always carried with him. It still seemed slightly odd to him that he was here, in a place that only a short while ago he didn't know existed and with someone he seemed, 'linked to', like it was fate. Though he did not question it, and just accepted that he was fated to be here, as that seemed the right thing to do. Shaking his head to pull his thoughts away from questioning the why of now, he pocketed his whetstone, put the weapon he had finished working on a loop on his belt and stood. Just in time to hear Kethuala say for him and others to gather together and link minds. Again he felt a link just like the one he felt before, and nodded towards Keth. [i]Maybe there is this Demon Lord, and maybe I had fought him, I just... Can't seem to remember.[/i] So without hesitation he sat next to Keth., looked around for the others and not seeing them he shrugged. He assumed they would gather soon, and he closed his eyes waiting for the mind link to occur.