[center] [b]Name of Nation:[/b] The Empire of Jīdū [b]Leader Name:[/b] Yēsū Jīdū XV [b]Location On Map:[/b] China, Mongolia, The Koreas, Japan, Siberia, Nepal, Western India, Bangladesh, Burma, Laos, Cambodia. [b]Type of Government:[/b] Absolute Monarchy (Similar to how the Caliphate Worked) [b]Flag:[/b] [hider=Jīdū Flag][img]http://i40.tinypic.com/neui4g.png[/img][/hider] [b]Brief History:[/b] The Point of Divergence in this timeline is the Year 0 DS (Duōnián de shén, Years of God), the year that Yēsū Jīdū, more commonly known as Jesus Christ, was born in the city of Bejing. The parents of Yēsū Jīdū where two Jewish Converts who where merchants. They say that the day Yēsū Jīdū a star appeared in the sky, known as the Shèng sī dá. The Mother of Yēsū Jīdū, whos name was Mǎlì Nǚwáng, believed she received a message from God saying the Child she shall birth shall be the Child of God, and he shall form the greatest Empire to ever grace the planet. Yēsū Jīdū, at a young age, grew to accept his title as the Messiah, and at the age of 15, he set off to begin his conversion of China. Yēsū Jīdū mixed elements of Buddhism into his religion, believing that both Abraham and the Buda where great prophets who only received half the story from God. Yēsū Jīdū was able to quickly convert the Chinese who he met, and by the time he was 20, over 10% in total of all the Chinese nations where followers of Jīdūjiào. The Chinese kings made Yēsū Jīdū and his followers a wanted man, but this sparked revolution in the Kingdoms, led by Yēsū Jīdū. Yēsū Jīdū was proclaimed Holy Emperor of Jīdū. The forces of Yēsū Jīdū, who consisted of man and women, where able to fight back most of the Chinese, but the war did not end. The Apostles of Yēsū Jīdū, a group of his closest advisers, went out to convert the rest of China during the wars. After 10 years of the fighting, over 50% of the Chinese kingdoms followed Yēsū Jīdū's religion, all of them joining him in battle. His forces overpowered the Chinese, and he united all of the Kingdoms under his Empire. Yēsū Jīdū set his sites on Korea and Mongolia next, and they quickly conquered the Heathens, expanding the Empire. Yēsū Jīdū's great grandson, Wáng Jīdū, took the throne after Yēsū died at the age of 80. Wáng Jīdū began invasions of Japan, and in the year 120, when Wáng Jīdū was 50, all of the Tribes in Japan where forced into the Empire. The Hindus and Jains who found the Conquests of the Jīdū's disgusting, declared a holy war against the Empire. The Buddhists also joined against the Empire, calling them disgusting Heretics. Wáng Jīdū died in battle during that war, but that was a good thing for the Empire, as his son, and the person who is considered the second greatest Emperor of the Empire, Yēsū Jīdū II, took control of the Empire in 130. He took All of Western India and Bangladesh in 135, and in 140 he took all of Nepal. He then set his sights to finish off southeast asia, which began A series of Wars known as the Shízìjūn dōngzhēng. Yēsū Jīdū II was able to take all of Southeast asia by 160, and in 163, he died in his sleep, he is now known as Yēsū Jīdū II the Holy Emperor and Saint. After this, The Empire stayed relatively peaceful, with small tribal conflicts being the only things that went on until 673, when followers of the religion Islam, who considered themselves the true religion, attacked the empire. This began the greatest conflicts in the Empires History, known as the wars of God. The Ruler at this time, Huángdì Jīdū, fought the Abbasid Caliphate at famous battles such as the wars for the Gobi. The Abbasids almost won that war, and if they did, they would of most likely marched to Beijing, but they failed. The Empire pushed them far out of the Empire, and from there weakened state, the Byzantines in Europe, who had adopted Judaism, reclaimed the city of Jerusalem. After that, they Empire hit another Period of Peace up until 1070, when Hordes from Siberia attacked the Empire. This began the War of Hordes, and it took the Empire 30 years to fight them off, and another 30 too conquer Siberia. The Turks began a migration into the Gobi, and so started a revolt, which was led by Sàir Zhùrén. He was able to successfully rebel, and for 100 years his Kingdom and the Empire fought each other in deadlock, but by the end of it, the Zhùrén dynasty fell to the Empire. This began another Period of Peace in the Empire lasting all the way to Modern Times. Small wars happened here in there in Asia and the Empire in General, hell, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas entered a world war, but the Empire stayed out of them, stating that a Global Conflict could lead to Mòrì (Apocolypse) beginning, which would be the end times for all humans. [b]Main Export:[/b] Gems, Farm Animals, Mass Produced Goods. [b]Main Import:[/b] Oil, Coal, Cotton. [b]Cultural Description:[/b] Those in the Empire follow a similar culture as that of the Normal Chinese. They speak the same language, they have the Same art styles, and they have similar holidays. For Example, Chinese New Year in Our World is the actual calendar used in there world, and the end of the New Year is the holiday known as Xīn de yītiān, or the New Day. Another Holiday is Shèngdàn, or as what Europe called it in our Timeline, Christmas. They celebrate the birth of the Founder of there religion and they also celebrate his conquests of China during his life. They go to the Jiàotáng hé bǎotǎ and there they have the celebrations of the Religion. They also celebrate Fùhuó jié, known as Easter in our timeline. For 1 week, they limit how much they are allowed to eat and they are given a large pay for there jobs. This is supposed to show the Reward that Yēsū Jīdū got for going and spreading the Word of God. [b]Main Religion:[/b] Jīdūjiào 99% [/center]